Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
06 November, 2023

A message from Principal | Introducing you to INSIGHTS from Nord Anglia Education

A message from Principal | Introducing you to INSIGHTS - Insights

Dear parents,

I wanted to write to you to draw your attention to a brand-new publication from Nord Anglia Education called INSIGHTS that looks at the subjects that matter most to young people and their parents when it comes to education. 

A message from Principal | Introducing you to INSIGHTS - Insights



I first became aware of this magazine back in late September at our global Senior Leadership Conference and was hugely impressed by the thought-provoking content and opinions offered by the contributors.

The articles cover topics such as: Can children learn how to be happy? And if they can, will it make a difference? Do children need knowledge anymore when everything’s a click or a swipe away with AI? Does learning about ‘making a difference’ (as in social impact) actually make any difference?

Artificial intelligence is a hot topic in education, as noted in ‘The Fourth Education Revolution’. Whether we agree with all of what Sir Anthony Seldon said, I am reminded of a keynote by Lord David Puttnam at the global SLT conference in which he said “It is not a question of whether AI will replace human intelligence, rather how quickly human intelligence supported by AI will replace human intelligence unsupported by AI”.

Whatever we feel about AI and how it will impact education, there is no doubt it is here to stay and therefore the more informed discussion we can have around this subject, the better prepared we will be for future developments.


I invite you to read, reflect, and share INSIGHTS by clicking on the link here:



A message from Principal | Introducing you to INSIGHTS - Insights