Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
April 01, 2021

BISW Alumni Speaks: Dhanesh Nanoo

BISW Alumni Speaks: Dhanesh Nanoo - bisw-alumni-speaks-dhanesh-nanoo
BISW Alumni Speaks: Dhanesh Nanoo BISW alumnus Dhanesh Nanoo recalls his fond memories of times at BISW and shares news about his university life.

How many years were you enrolled in BIS Washington?

I attended BISW for two years, from Year 12 to Year 13.


What is your best memory from your time at school?

I enjoyed relaxing in the IB room or visiting the IB and Careers team. 


What were some of the co-curriculars that you focused on while a BIS Washington student?

I played varsity football for two years and won the 2018 MVP. It was one of my proudest moments at BISW.


How did those experiences contribute to your engagement while at university?

It taught leadership, teamwork and communication. It also helped me find the fun in serious situations.


How did the IBDP prepare you for university?

The IB truly prepares students for a university-level workload and shows them how to focus on contrasting subjects at the same time. CAS also teaches students the importance of a work-life balance, which can often be hard to achieve at university.


How was the transition to university?

I experienced a smooth transition. Both BISW and my university are relatively small in terms of the number of students. Therefore, it was easy to build relationships with classmates and lecturers. 


Where are you attending/did you attend university? What course are you studying/did you study?

Schweizerische Hotelfachschule Luzern (Swiss Hotel management academy Lucerne) in Switzerland. My Course is a BSc in Hospitality Management.


What is the best aspect of your university course and university?

It is practical, allowing students to have a seamless transition from school to the professional world. The internship programmes set up the students with meaningful working experience before they graduate. 


Where is your favourite place to hang out on/near campus?

When the weather is good, I like to hang out along the beautiful lake or in the few quiet spots in the old town. I also enjoy spending time at the school’s club area.


What insight would you share with your Year 11 self? What wisdom would you share with your Year 13 self?

When you finish your IGCSEs things become more complicated. Then, the same thing happens when you complete the IB.