Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
March 05, 2021

BISW Alumni Speaks: Isabella Impavido

BISW Alumni Speaks: Isabella Impavido - bisw-alumni-speaks-isabella-impavido
BISW Alumni Speaks: Isabella Impavido Alumna Isabella Impavido shares memories from her 14 years at BISW and discusses her university life. BISW Alumni Interviews Meets Isabella Impavido Hero Image

How many years were you enrolled in BIS Washington?

I was at BISW for 14 years.


What is your best memory from your time at school?

My best memory from BISW was serving alongside two other peers as Student Body Presidents. We always had new challenges to face, and it made school life exciting.


What were some of the co-curriculars that you focused on while a BIS Washington student?

I participated in student council, Global Goals, and Model UN/World Scholar’s Cup.


How did those experiences contribute to your engagement while at university?

They helped me to find my position as a Course Representative in the Science Faculty. We hold a version of a town hall or student council to report back to Department and Schools on actions and resources.


How did the IBDP prepare you for university?

It helped me prepare for my university education and gave me great knowledge that helps me in my work towards my degree. I feel confident in what I am currently learning, as it has built on everything I covered in my IB years.


How was the transition to university?

The pandemic aside, the transition was seamless both academically and socially as the IB had helped me build up my work ethic and taught me how to maintain a work-life balance which I apply every day now. It is ever more important that everything is online, and deadlines and managing lectures require self-motivation and dedication to studies.


Where are you attending/did you attend university? What course are you studying/did you study?

I attend University of Nottingham, England, and I study Medicinal and Biological Chemistry with an Assessed Year in Industry MSci.


What is the best aspect of your university course and university?

I love that I can build on what I started to learn during my last two years at BISW and what fascinated me during that time. I can follow my interests, and I can make connections between multiple aspects of my course. 


Where is your favourite place to hang out on/near campus?

On the green campus, either by the lake or on the rolling hills near the forest, I can read, run, eat and spend time with my friends.


What advice would you give your Year 11 self? What advice would you give your Year 13 self?

To my Year 11 self, I would say there is no pressure, but what you do this year can have an impact on what you do in your IB years. However, a new chapter is about to begin, so you can completely reinvent yourself when it comes to subject selection.

To my Year 13 self, I would say that university might not be as big of a jump from BISW as you think. It’s not a scary transition! Also, if you don’t make it into your first-choice school, you’ll still end up loving where you go much more than you thought.