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News image Bullying Prevention Month at BISW - bullying-prevention-month-at-bisw Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Featured
Bullying Prevention Month at BISW
BISW observed Bullying Prevention Month with presentations for secondary school students.
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BISW Virtual Career Week
BISW wrapped up the school year with a 'Virtual Careers Week' for students in Years 10-12. Over ninety students participated in ten different career presentations from over twenty-five options. It was an incredible and invaluable opportunity for BISW students to learn about careers from a multitude of job sectors.
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News image News Default Image Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Featured | Global Education
BISW 2020 Graduate Addresses an Audience of UN Representatives
Year 13 student, Élodie Camus took part in a virtual meeting with UN representatives who form the ‘Group of Friends of Children and the SDGs’.
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News image News Default Image Blog | globaleducation | Featured | Global Education
Living Life Through Lockdown - How to Cope with Quaranteenagers
Year 11 students have been revising their Transactional Writing for their English Language IGCSE. Miss Yates set them a project to create a ‘Living through Lockdown’ leaflet designed to help parents and teenagers cope with being in close proximity… all the time! Here are the top pieces of advice they wanted to share about living with a teenager in lockdown.
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News image News Default Image Blog | headofsecondary | Extracurricular activities | Featured | Global Education | Head of Secondary
Upper Secondary Awards Recipients 2019-2020
We are pleased to announce our Upper Secondary Awards Recipients for 2019-2020. We are so proud of our students and their achievements.
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News image The core of Education’s future - the-core-of-educations-future News | homepagefeaturedarticle | Featured
The core of Education’s future
In the age of automation, developing strong values, a sense of purpose and well-being will enable students to succeed in the future, Dubai education expert says.
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News image Global Campus check-in: how our students are connecting so far in 2018 - global-campus-check-in-how-our-students-are-connecting-so-far-in-2018 News | homepagefeaturedarticle | Featured | School News
Global Campus check-in: how our students are connecting so far in 2018
At Nord Anglia Education, there’s always something new and exciting happening across our global network of schools.
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News image Parent Reflections: Juilliard Drama Curriculum Workshop - parent-reflections-juilliard-drama-curriculum-workshop Blog | SchoolNews | Art | Featured | School News
Parent Reflections: Juilliard Drama Curriculum Workshop
Last week BISW had a visit from our Juilliard Drama Curriculum Specialist Nick Mahmat . Nick's regular work with BISW is another unique element of our collaboration with Juilliard.
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News image News Default Image Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Featured | Student Work and Success
UNICEF Global Summit featured BISW student's work
BISW's very own Ella Hughes reports from the 2018 Global Goals Student Summit in New York City.
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News image Royal Wedding Summer Fête - royal-wedding-summer-fte Blog | ArtsandCulture | Art | Featured
Royal Wedding Summer Fête
Join us for a fun, family festival to celebrate the Royal Wedding on Friday, May 18 at 1.45pm
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News image BISW Open House March 2018 - bisw-open-house-march-2018 Blog | Admissions | Featured
BISW Open House March 2018
Please join us for our Open House on Friday, March 16. This is a great opportunity for interested families to learn more about life as a member of the BISW family!
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News image Empowering students for World Children’s Day - empowering-students-for-world-childrens-day Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Featured
Empowering students for World Children’s Day
For World Children’s Day on 20 November, students around the world came together to raise their voice on the importance of children’s rights. Find out why Nord Anglia Education schools are empowering students to become global citizens.
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News image BIS-Washington STUDENTS TAKE OVER FOR WORLD CHILDREN’S DAY - bis-washington-students-take-over-for-world-childrens-day Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Featured | School News
Celebrate World Children's Day with British International School of Washington by joining our students to raise awareness and take action to support the rights of the child and the Global Goals.
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News image What's the right age to get my child a tablet - whats-the-right-age-to-get-my-child-a-tablet Blog | Advice and Guidance | Featured
What's the right age to get my child a tablet
Deciding what is the right age for your child to begin using technology can vary for every child and family. Craig Brown, Head of Learning Technologies at the British International School, Budapest, gives some advice on what parents should consider before giving their child a tablet.
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News image BISW 2017 Fall Open House - bisw-2017-fall-open-house Blog | Admissions | Featured
BISW 2017 Fall Open House
This is an exciting opportunity for current and prospective families to get a full, immersive overview of what a day in a life is like at BISW.
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