Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
September 19, 2024

Why is Early Language So Significant in Early and Primary Education

Why is Early Language So Significant in Early and Primary Education - Why is Early Language So Significant in Early and Primary Education
Why is Early Language So Significant in Early and Primary Education


At the British International School of Chicago-Lincoln Park, we believe that early language education is key to unlocking a child’s full potential. As one of the few schools in Chicago offering multilingual education starting in primary school, our French and Spanish programs expose students to the cognitive and cultural benefits of learning a second (or third or fourth, etc.) language from a young age. This early exposure not only builds a foundation for future language fluency but also enhances critical thinking, problem-solving, and cultural awareness— preparing students for success in our ever changing and globalized world. In this article, I will discuss the benefits of early language acquisition that you will see at BISC-LP, where our students start French and Spanish lessons in our Pre-Nursery classrooms. 

The Importance of Early Language Education

Early language education makes a significant difference in a child’s cognitive and linguistic development. When we are young and not only get exposure to multiple languages but also to how to learn another language, it sets the foundation for solidified literacy learning among other cognitive benefits. Early years and primary school can be a critical period for language learning as our brains can absorb language much easier than when we become older. According to research by the United Nations, children can unconsciously learn the new language rules through passive exposure, without necessarily being aware of what language rules they are learning. Our brains are also most flexible or plastic and ready to learn new information (you can read more from Harvard University on brain plasticity here). 

 Why is Early Language So Significant in Early and Primary Education - Why is Early Language So Significant in Early and Primary Education

While your young ones may not show fluency early on, the foundational work is there as they continue to study and speak the language in secondary school and beyond. Language learning, especially at a young age, brings along cognitive benefits such as improved memory, problem solving, and flexibility. Early multilingual education also enriches students as they study the cultures where French and Spanish are spoken. Their worldviews broaden within the classroom as does their passion and interest in languages. Personally, I started learning French at age 11 and I wish I had the instruction that our students have when I was in Primary school. While I started later, my teachers helped pique my interest in French and I became a lifelong learner of the language and francophone cultures. In our Early Years and Primary programs at BISC-LP, our students are inadvertently learning important language rules, connecting to other cultures, and laying important groundwork for future language learning!


Megan McCoy

French Teacher and Head of World Languages