Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
March 07, 2022

Digital Nord Anglia: a collaborative approach to learning

Digital Nord Anglia: a collaborative approach to learning - digital-nord-anglia-a-collaborative-approach-to-learning
Digital Nord Anglia: a collaborative approach to learning BISC Lincoln Park STEAM Leader and Science Specialist, Tom Collins shares an update on Digital Nord Anglia, and talks about collaboration within the project. Tom C Blog Hero Shot

Digital Nord Anglia is first and foremost a collaborative approach to learning. So many of us have adapted our digital practice over the past couple of years and, through DNA, this new teacher expertise is being captured to integrate technology into our face-to-face classroom communities.  

DNA provides hands-on experiences, virtual check-ins which help to guide teacher judgment, and interactive digital experiences. It has been designed so that no matter what curriculum you follow, the activities and learning can be used. For example, a Year 3 child in Chicago will have a similar learning experience to a year child in Shanghai. Lessons are built to work both as a sequence or as modular elements that can stand-alone or be combined together, allowing for great flexibility when dipping into them. As we move forward, DNA will align with Global Campus allowing students to access resources from home and share and celebrate outcomes.  


Tom with student Reception Science Lesson

Through my role on the DNA team, I have been able to share what I have learned from adapting our award-winning STEAM provision into the virtual world. I have had the privilege of collaborating with passionate educators, designers, and programmers to develop units of work drawn from our expertise and experience; importantly, we have also had a voice at the table when key decisions are made. 

For me, working on DNA has been incredibly rewarding, both personally and professionally. I have been able to reach across our family of schools and connect with colleagues around the globe, sharing our successes and next steps via virtual collaboration. My voice has been heard and my experience listened to. I have felt valued and respected for what I can bring to the table, and I know that the impact of my work will be felt across NAE. It has been, and will continue to be, a fantastic opportunity to share best practice throughout our global community. 

Tom Collins
STEAM Leader & Science Specialist