Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
February 04, 2021

Celebrating Black History Month during February and beyond!

Celebrating Black History Month during February and beyond! - celebrating-black-history-month-during-february-and-beyond
Celebrating Black History Month during February and beyond! Black History Month plans are off to a great start at BISC-LP! This year, lessons and activities are centered around three distinct weekly themes: Skills, Research and Discovery, and Celebrating.

Black History Month festivities officially kicked off earlier this month with an exciting Monday Morning Assembly. Teachers Ms. McVey and Mr. Hopps shared a story and explained how the first theme of 'Skills' will be incorporated into lessons. Students will be introduced to the topics of empathy, curiosity, respect and empowerment. Through purposeful conversations and activities, the children will practice how to interact with others and learn how to recognize when change is needed.  

Parent Volunteer BHM

For the remaining weeks, students will investigate the themes of Research and Discovery, and Celebrating.  Daily activities include morning tasks, like exploring the work of artists Edmonia Lewis or Jean Michel Basquiat, or finding out what ingredients are used for making popular soul food dishes. We have invited parent volunteers to join classes to share stories and presentations on inspirational and historic people to round out the day's learning. The final week will include a virtual dance performance, and a show and tell party. Last, but not least, the school has launched the Black Excellence Libraries. These libraries provide a range of titles to year groups across the school. Students and teachers can access these areas during Black History Month and all year long. We are looking forward to a month of meaningful learning that will make an impact long after February is over!

View all the highlights and stay connected by following us: @BISCLincolnPark

Y3 students reading