Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
November 15, 2018

Encouraging Our Goal Squad Values

Encouraging Our Goal Squad Values - encouraging-our-goal-squad-values
Encouraging Our Goal Squad Values
Encouraging Our Goal Squad Values

We have recently launched our Goal Squad stickers, which are awarded when children demonstrate our Goal Squad characteristics. They’re big, they’re bold and they are a huge success with our staff and children! In one week, we handed out a class worth of Alex and Xander Cooperation stickers to the Squirrels, a double sticker celebration of Mrs. Adaptable and Miss Thoughtful to a Year 2 child and a Master Curiosity sticker to some of our older children for asking probing and thought-provoking questions! Although ‘just’ a sticker, our school community have embraced the reward, which now allows us to congratulate our children when we pass them in the corridor when they have been displaying our school values!

One of the highlights, already, with the stickers, is the fact that children are now recognizing these Goal Squad characters in themselves! Yes – they are announcing it so they can receive a sticker, but what a wonderful skill and mature acknowledgement of themselves, to be able to feel and notice when they have made a good choice and displayed a positive behavior. We are into our second week now…with the only sticker yet to be first claimed being Dr. Moral. I wonder who will be our first receiver…

-Kirsty Gallo, Assistant Head - Community/Well-Being