Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
January 24, 2018

Global Campus Successes

Global Campus Successes - global-campus-successes
Global Campus Successes
Global Campus Successes

Welcome back to another exciting term for Global Campus!  We have lots of exciting challenges and competitions coming out this term including MIT activities, a comic strip competition, Lego challenge, the annual visual arts competition and so much more.  Don't forget to take a look in the new Key Stage One and Key Stage Two Global Campus termly challenge booklets for a range of fun activities you can complete to earn stamps in your Global Campus passports.  Remember to keep an eye out in the weekly school newsletters and in the weekly parent emails for further information about new competitions coming your way.

We've already had some wonderful Global Campus successes from BISC-LP this year too.  We are so proud of Bennett Van York III and Tate Million for their achievements which have been recognized globally.  Bennett in Year 5 is our BISC-LP winner for the annual creative writing competition and his writing is now competing against other children's entries from NAE schools all over the world.  Tate in Year 2 is the Under 8s winner for the Photographer of the Year competition.  This means his photograph was chosen as the winning entry from children under the age of 8 across the globe.  Our brilliant Global Campus student leaders have also been doing a great job by standing up in their year group assemblies and passing on information about new challenges and competitions.  Keep up the great work, BISC-LP!


-Jess Quiligotti,  Year 5 leader, KS2 ICT leader and Global Campus North America regional lead