Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
31 January, 2019

The Eco-school's project at our school continues

The Eco-school's project at our school continues - the-eco-schools-project-at-our-school-continues
The Eco-school's project at our school continues Even though you have not heard from us for a while, the eco committee has continues to work hard right from the start of the school year. 

Even though you have not heard from us for a while, the eco committee has continues to work hard right from the start of the school year. 

The first term was a term to celebrate our recent achievement of being awarded with the Eco-School Award and the Green Flag for the third time in history. The eco committee organized a special assembly to celebrate this achievement with the school community. This award is an achievement of the whole school community because each student participated in at least one activity, which promoted REDUCING WASTE and ZERO WASTE LIFESTYLE. We like to challenge our students to implement little changes in their life. In the last one, which was called “shake and fold” we challenged them to only use 1 paper tissue when washing their hands; if they shake their hands and fold the tissue, they should do just fine.

Receiving the award is the end of one period for the eco-committee and the start of another. We used the last term to carry out an environmental audit at school to learn in what areas the school is friendly to the environment and in what areas we can improve. Based on the outcomes of the audit, the eco-committee chose an area they would like to concentrate on over the next two school  years. It is “ENERGY”.

We are now in the process of planning educational activities for the school community, which you are a part of. You will hear from us soon with some tips and challenges about energy saving in every day life.

Remember, your contribution matters! We need you on board!

Jenny Me., Year 9 and The Eco-Committee