BISB_Oct 2021_509
An Accredited Eco-School | BIS Bratislava - Feature Cards Pattern

THEME 2024 – 2026: Greenery and biodiversity

Eco-Schools is an international programme which engages young people in improving sustainability of their communities. This programme has been an integral part of our school since 2005 and our school was awarded its first Eco-Schools certificate in 2007.
An Accredited Eco-School | BIS Bratislava - Feature Cards Pattern
Step 1: Eco Committee

The Eco-Committee is the student-led action group and the driving force behind the Eco-Schools process e whole school. 

  • Who is in the team: Students/Teachers/Non-Teaching Staff/Parents
  • The Eco Committee meets regularly to plan, monitor and evaluate the activation from the Action Plan.
An Accredited Eco-School | BIS Bratislava - Feature Cards Pattern
Step 2: Environmental Audit

Carrying out an Environmental Audit helps the school identify its current strengths and weaknesses in sustainability. The data for the audit was collected by primary eco club, CAS students in secondary and the eco-committee.

  • The result of the Environmental Audit helps us to choose a focus theme and a target and activities to achieve it. This is reviewed every two years.
An Accredited Eco-School | BIS Bratislava - Feature Cards Pattern
Step 3: Action Plan - Activities

The Action Plan is developed based on the results of our Environmental Audit. We have identified the areas we want to focus on, a SMART target and then discussed the activities that should help us to achieve the target.

An Accredited Eco-School | BIS Bratislava - Feature Cards Pattern
Step 4: Monitor and Evaluate

We monitor our progress in achieving our target regularly and we inform the school community about the progress. Evaluating the success of our activities helps us make changes required in our Action Plan.

An Accredited Eco-School | BIS Bratislava - Feature Cards Pattern
Step 5: Curriculum Work

We are aware that linking Eco-Schools activities to the curriculum ensures targeting the whole school community. We are working with teachers across the school to link the curriculum to real-life settings outside classroom ideally in the real environment. We are working on increasing outdoor teaching and learning.

An Accredited Eco-School | BIS Bratislava - Feature Cards Pattern
Step 6: Inform and Involve

Knowledge should be followed by action. We are using creative ways of getting everyone from the school community on board! Our hope is to increase our impact within a local community too.

An Accredited Eco-School | BIS Bratislava - Feature Cards Pattern
Step 7: Produce an Eco Code

The Eco-Code summarises what the school’s commitment to sustainability is.