BIS HCMC Student Council Thinking global starting local - BIS HCMC Student Council Thinking global starting local
School Council
14 December, 2023

BIS HCMC School Council: Thinking global, starting local

At BIS we empower our students to take up leadership roles so that they can take action and make positive changes both locally and globally. One of the many ways students can make a difference at BIS and beyond is by representing the school as part of our student council. Our student councils work together across all facets of the school to affect positive change. At BIS HCMC, we have a Primary Student Council made up of 8 students per year group from Years 3 to 5 and our Executive Committee, which is made up of 9 students in Year 6. Whilst at Secondary,  8 students are chosen per year group. Led by our Head Students, Michelle, Oscar, Edric and Anya, our Secondary Student Council focus on 3 key strands that align with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as well as our whole school mission and goals.

BIS HCMC Student Council Thinking global starting local - BIS HCMC Student Council Thinking global starting local

Hear from our Head Students on what they’ve been up to this term in our Student Council Newsletter:

Secondary School Council Newsletter Term 1

This term, the School Council has focused on creating strong foundations to ensure productive growth that has legacy and sustainability. A core aim has been Identifying how to create awareness and action around key themes, and set plans in action to be the megaphone for students.
We have created strands in the council that align with Sustainable Development Goals and the whole school priorities, ethos, vision and goals.

Our Strands are:

Wellbeing and Inclusion
Community and Sustainability
Partnerships local and global

Wellbeing and Inclusion strand are committed to nurturing a greater sense of belonging for all here at BIS. Currently we are in the process of collecting data and information, we are exploring new ways to develop our understanding of what fosters an inclusive school environment. To inform further improvements in our school’s inclusivity, we plan to extend a listening ear to our school community in the following term, focusing on areas pertaining to our wellbeing curriculum or co-curricular activities.

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Community and Sustainability strand are focusing on making the school a more sustainable place by implementing and changing current practices such as the labelling of bins for recycling in the Bistro.

Our first steps will be through raising awareness, in assemblies through the curriculum and wider curriculum program.

People often throw away waste and trash on the ground, can we look to implement bin monitors and reward them? You can help us decide how this might work best!
We are hoping to drive plans to replace non-recyclable resources with sustainable materials instead of parchment paper. 

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Partnerships local and global
strand have begun to organise numerous plans of actions for the future school year. This includes our sister schools which are BVIS and BIS Hanoi. We have begun to establish connections through a series of plans including sharing BIS’s successful events, interweaving house points to promote healthy competition between schools and many more. 

We have established clear connections with the whole school and begun our half termly meetings with the Primary School Council, aligning goals and learning from each other. We are seeking further opportunities for cultural connections and have established a link with Gifu City Higashi Nagara Junior High School. We look forward to developing these connections that will provide further learning and leading opportunities for all. 

BIS HCMC Student Council Thinking global starting local - BIS HCMC Student Council Thinking global starting local

We look forward to hearing from you all soon! 
Have a great Winter break.

School Council

School Council is led by our Head students - Michelle, Oscar, Edric and Anya.