Mr Ian Battersby: Weekly Update 19/08/2022 - mr-ian-battersby-weekly-update-19-08-2022
Mr Ian Battersby
Early Years & Infants Campus Headteacher
19 August, 2022

Mr Ian Battersby - Weekly Update 19th August 2022

Mr Ian Battersby: Weekly Update 19/08/2022 - mr-ian-battersby-weekly-update-19-08-2022
Mr Ian Battersby: Weekly Update 19/08/2022 As the new school year gets underway, we welcome new families to BIS and welcome back families from their summer vacations.

‘Don't stop thinking about tomorrow, Don't stop, it'll soon be here. It'll be better than before; Yesterday's gone, yesterday's gone.’ Fleetwood Mac

During the assembly this morning, I couldn’t help reflecting on how different our situation is from when Term 1 began last year.  We were all locked down in our homes and learning virtually.  It is exciting to think of what this new academic year will bring.

It has been wonderful to welcome all the children back to school this week, and I would like to wish all our new families a particularly warm welcome.  The children have been so excited to see each other again, get to know their new teachers and enjoy learning at BIS once more.

Young Interpreters

Young Interpreter 1

It has been great to have our Young Interpreters back on campus welcoming all new children to the BIS Community. They were selected and trained up to support new arrivals and were taught a number of soft skills to best support new students.

They’ve been proudly wearing their purple sashes around school in Year 1 and Year 2 and we are pleased to see them rising up to the new responsibilities this term.

PTG Welcome Back Coffee Morning


Having ‘in person’ events has been marvelous, and was so good to see so many parents from across the three campuses come together for a coffee morning at the Junior Campus on Thursday.  It was obvious that these opportunities to connect with one another have been sorely missed. 

We look forward to more opportunities to get together throughout the year. The next opportunity being on Tuesday 6th September (more details to follow).

BIS 25th Anniversary

There are many events to look forward to in the year ahead, but one that we have already started to celebrate is the 25th anniversary of the British International School, HCMC.  In 1996, Maurice and Rosie Nguyen wanted a school for their young daughter Jenny.  When they could not find one in HCMC, in August 1997, the opened their own on Nguyen Van Thu in District 1.  You can read more about the school grew to what it is today by clicking on  the link below:

The History of BIS

The 25th Anniversary year was launched by Mr Maurice, Ms Rosie and their daughter Jenny last Friday and continued with the 25th Anniversary gift bags and mascots that were given to all EY&I children on their first day back in school. 

25th Anniversary launch

Look out for further events across the year as we continue to celebrate 25 outstanding years of education at BIS

Parent Information Evenings

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Next Wednesday, 24th August, we look forward to welcoming all EY&I parents to our Parent Information Evenings.  A letter with all the details was sent to all parents this afternoon at 1pm.  Please read this carefully for more details of the evening.

EY&I Campus CCAs

Cover CCA Booklet

The CCA booklet was sent to all parents on Wednesday (17th August) and sign up begins on Monday. Please can we ask you to adhere to the timeline for sign up so we can allocate clubs to children as quickly as possible. If you need any help signing up there will be a table before school (gate A) and after school (by the football pitch) on Tuesday 23rd and Wednesday 24th or please contact

24/08/22                                 Parents Information Evening - EYIC @ 5pm

29/08/22                                 Vietnamese Language Coffee Morning - EYIC

1& 2/09/22                             School closes - Vietnam National Day holiday

5/09/22                                   Back to school

6/09/22                                   Primary PTG Coffee Morning @8.30am

8/09/22                                   PTG Class Rep Meeting

9/9/22                                     Moon Festival - Primary

13/09/22                                 Maths Coffee Morning EY&I

keep your campus healthy

Medical Updates - URGENT

If you have not completed the ‘updated medical information’ Google Form that was shared by BIS HCMC on the 1st of August, you will receive an email shortly urging you to do so. This information is vital, especially in the event of an emergency. Your swift completion of this task is much appreciated and thank you to those families who have done so already. If you did not receive the email about medical information, please contact Ms Van ( immediately.

If your child needs the School Nurse to administer any prescribed medication during the school day please do not put medication in the school bag but contact the School Nurse and sign the appropriate form.

Symptomatic (Any Cold/Flu/Covid Symptoms) - stay off school until symptom free. 

Take a precautionary Rapid Antigen Test at home prior to return and keep the school informed. 

Any concern you have at home with the health of your child, and include the Health and Safety Leads of each campus (EYIC Ms Sarah Curran  and JC Mr Chris McKelvie  .

Ms Sarah Curran and Mr Chris McKelvie, Deputy Headteachers

Primary PTG Newsletter - Friday 19st August

A very warm welcome back to school! Whether you are an existing BIS family returning after the summer break, or a new family joining the BIS community for the first time, the Primary Parent Teacher Group (PTG) are here to support you!

The purpose of the PTG is to encourage the growth of the community spirit within our school by building close relationships between parents, staff and children.   Any parent who has a child at BIS EY&I Campus or Junior Campus, automatically becomes part of the PTG.  The PTG Core Team (pictured below) are here to welcome you all, support you to settle, and connect with others in the community. We are also ready to guide any of you who wish to get involved and volunteer, in any capacity, throughout the year!

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To learn more about this years core team, please click here to the ‘Meet the Team’ handout, attached. We are a very friendly approachable group, so if you see us please stop us and say hello!

Throughout the year the PTG, and all of the invaluable parent volunteers, organize social events, fun activities, and actively support school fundraising for our Community Service Partners.  In addition, we work hard to create a network of connected parents through Class Parent & Country Representatives, and a newly formed Dads Club (launching soon!), while communicating regularly to all parents via these Headteachers weekly Newsletters, regular seesaw posts, and Class Parent WhatsApp groups.

To learn much more about the PTG while enjoying some social time connecting with lots of Primary parents, we invite you to our Primary PTG Coffee Morning (see below).

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You will have the opportunity to learn more about….

-          the Primary PTG – who we are and what we do

-          what events are happening over the next few months and how to get involved (if you wish!)

-          the Class Parent & Country reps, why they are important and how they can support you

-          Our ‘soon to be launched’ Dads club!

-          Upcycling Uniform initiative

….and lots more…

For more information about the PTG, to connect with us personally and ask questions, or if you would like to support as a volunteer, please email us directly on

We look forward to meeting you all soon

Pamela, on behalf of the Primary PTG Team

And Finally…

Primary Meet Our TeachersCombined02

We have also welcomed a number of teachers to the BIS team at Early Years and Infants.  In the coming weeks we will be introducing them in the weekly update.  For now, I’m sure you will join me in welcoming them to our school and Vietnam.

Have a relaxing and enjoyable weekend,

Ian Battersby
