Returning to School - returning-to-school
02 December, 2021

Returning to School

Returning to School - returning-to-school
Returning to School As we approach the end of the term, preparations are underway for our first groups of students to return to school. Vaccination efforts have been continuing at a pace across the city and the country at large. We are now preparing to welcome students back on campus in the very near future. With this in mind, we need to begin preparing our community for making the transition back into face to face learning.

As we approach the end of the term, preparations are underway for our first groups of students to return to school.  Vaccination efforts have been continuing at a pace across the city and the country at large.  We are now preparing to welcome students back on campus in the very near future.  With this in mind, we need to begin preparing our community for making the transition back into face to face learning.

Transitioning back into face to face learning may not be as simple as it may at first seem.  With such a prolonged absence from school, the return to classes can, for some students, feel quite daunting.  Yet for others, it will be viewed through the lens of happiness and joy.  This diversity and difference in response, especially among siblings and friendship groups, adds further complexity to an already complicated situation.

As the return date approaches, there will be feelings of excitement, joy and happiness at the thought of seeing friends, classmates and teachers.  However, these positive feelings can be tinged with fear, anxiety and trepidation.  These feelings can fluctuate and change on a daily basis.  As parents, it is important to recognise the complex emotional situation that our students find themself in and be there to support, guide and advise them through this period.  Of course, as a school, our pastoral and Advice, Support and Counselling (ASC) Team are also on hand to help you in this process.  Indeed our ASC Team will be leading a webinar on this important topic in early December.

As a school, we recommend engaging in conversations with your child about the upcoming transition.  It is essential to discuss your child’s views about the return, both positive and negative.  In this way, they can be reassured and find a greater level of understanding about their feelings.  Additionally, you can then make us aware of potential concerns so that we can help by providing additional transition support for your child.  

As always, we seek to help our parental community and provide them with information and guidance to support their children in the most effective manner possible.  We recommend that you all read the links below.  They contain some excellent advice about the following:

  • Returning to routines
  • Re-establishing norms
  • Sleep Patterns
  • Managing Anxiety
  • Focusing on the positives
  • Controlling the controllables
  • Coping Strategies

Tips for Parents from

Infographic from ParentZone Scotland

The following site created by ‘Raising Children Australia’ has some additional highly practical advice along with ideas about supporting the emotional aspects of the transition:

Returning to School - Tips from

As a school, we acknowledge and understand that the transition is hard for parents too.  This complete change in routines with the potential accompanying emotional challenges for your children can be very taxing and stressful on you as parents.  With this in mind, we would recommend that you read this excellent resource from the Center for Disease Control.  It has some very good and detailed advice for parents.

Helping young children and parents transition back to school

We hope that this advice will help you and your family with this transition.  Should you and your child(ren) need additional information and support, then please contact either myself, your child’s Head of Year or their Form Tutor.  


Kind regards,

Mr Wills, Secondary Deputy Head Teacher