23 October, 2020

Ms Deirdre Grimshaw: Weekly Update 23/10/2020

Ms Deirdre Grimshaw: Weekly Update 23/10/2020 - ms-deirdre-grimshaw-weekly-update-23-10-2020
Ms Deirdre Grimshaw: Weekly Update 23/10/2020 A warm welcome back to everyone for this half term, particularly our many new and returning families that joined us this week having completed their 2 weeks’ quarantine.

A warm welcome back to everyone for this half term, particularly our many new and returning families that joined us this week having completed their 2 weeks’ quarantine.

A warm welcome back to all our BIS Community. It has been a lovely to catch up with families to hear about their half term holidays and what everyone had been up to.  It’s been extremely hectic already here at the Junior Campus with a Year 4 Entry Point Fashion Show this morning as well as our ‘Green Day’ to help support victims of the dreadful flooding in central Vietnam. More information can be found about how we are supporting those affected in the post below by Ms Tracey Brownrigg.  Please make sure you scroll down to the upcoming dates section at the bottom of the update for key events coming up for the rest of this term.

Reporting and PTSCs at Primary Webinar

Yesterday, we held a ‘Reporting and PTSC Webinar’ to update parents about how we are approaching reporting and PTSCs here at primary. With live tools such as Seesaw, parents can see in real time, how their children are learning and what is going on in the classrooms. 

Our summative assessments and reports at the end of Term 1 and Term 3 give more detailed feedback on how well your child is doing and next steps for each child to make further progress.  Our next set of Parent Teacher Student Conferences (PTSCs) will take place in January and have been extended in length to give all parents and students enough time with teachers to talk through their learning, using the reports to guide the conversations.  A copy of the webinar can be found here.

Primary Maths Update

Enterprise Day 2018

Building on the learning that takes place in the Early Years Foundation Stage, children from Years 1 to 6 enjoy a broad range of subjects and opportunities, but at the core are English, Maths and Science.  As the children develop the key knowledge, skills and understanding, they are preparing themselves for their next stage in learning in secondary school.   

Our math leaders, Mr Rob, Mr John and Mr Andy give us a bit more insight in this post.

Community Choir

community choir

The community choir are back to rehearsing this week.  Rehearsals are at 7am on Thursdays in the Secondary Theatre and at 1.15pm in the Junior Campus Multi-purpose room.  All staff and parents welcome. Here is a link to the website with details of forthcoming performances and music we will sing.

Year 5 Collaborative Learning

Jude 7

As a key attribute in our Aide Memoire, ‘Learning Together’ is a central focus of the education BIS provides. Our recent experience of virtual schooling has reminded parents, teachers and students alike of the value of the social nature of learning. Find out more about collaboration in this Blogpost by Ms Jude Handscombe, Year 5 Teacher and Leader.

Central Vietnam Flood Relief Appeal

Flood Relief AppealA4 Poster

With the recent devastating floods and landslides caused by torrential rain in central Vietnam, the BIS school community mobilised this week to find ways in which to urgently raise much needed financial aid in support of those most affected.  As the death toll continues to rise with more than 111 lives already lost and tens of thousands of people displaced having been forced to evacuate their homes and leave them to be destroyed by rising water, an immediate response was needed! Find out more about what the school has begun to do in this post by Ms Tracey Brownrigg, Whole School Co-Curricular Coordinator and  Community Service Project Manager.

Health and Safety

COVID Precautions

Just a reminder that all children should wear a mask to and from school, and when not in the classroom (moving between classrooms, playtime, etc.).  Please make sure the mask is named and that your child has a spare in their bag.

Children should be bringing a water bottle to school every day as part of their usual routine, but it is all the more important during the current coronavirus pandemic.  Please make sure that your child brings their water bottle, with their name clearly on it, every day.

Drop Off and Pick Up arrangements.

Sincere thanks to everyone for your support in adhering to the guidelines for drop off and pick up. In the afternoons for those exiting through Gate C, please do not cross the road to the secondary campus there.  Please go to Gate B where guards will assist you.  Please note that parents cannot cross the bridge at this time as parents are not allowed in to the secondary campus. Thank you for your cooperation.

PTG Update


Just before the holiday, the first meeting of our Country Reps took place as part of the preparation for International Week.  Read more about this meeting and how you can get involved in this week’s;

Primary PTG Update: 23/10/2020

For more information about the PTG, to connect with us personally, or if you would like to support as a volunteer, please email us directly on  primaryptgbis@gmail.com

Secondary PTG Make-Up Demonstration


Dear Parents

The PTG would like to invite you to join a Professional Make-Up Demonstration and a catch-upJust in time for the festive season, Amina – an ex-model and professional make-up artist – will be there to share some hot tips on the most up-to-date styles. 

Event Details: Professional Make-Up Demonstration and catch-up

Date: Friday 30th October

Time: 10.00am to 12.30pm

Venue: Private residence in Thao Dien, address on registration.

Registration: 350,000vnd please pay at the Secondary Campus Reception before Tuesday 27th October 2020.

If you would like to visit the Secondary Campus in person to make payment, please email Katie Katie.Walsh@bisvietnam.com or Ms Nguyen Nguyen.Huynh@bisvietnam.com in advance so that we can help you.

For any other queries, please email the Secondary PTG at bisptgap2@gmail.com.

We look forward to seeing you.

Yours sincerely

Gayatri Singh and your PTG team 

Thank you for your continued support!  

Primary PTG Coordinators 

Dates for your diary

27/10/20             Year 5 Live Lunches

28/10/20             Year 6 Live Lunches

03/11/20              Junior Campus Specialist Open Classrooms @ 8:15am beginning in the Gym

16/11/20             Sports Day Week Begins

16/11/20             Sports Dear Year 6

17/11/20              Sports Day Year 5

18/11/20              Sports Day Year 4

19/11/20              Sports Day Year 3

25/11/20              Intl WK meeting 2

25/11/20             Year 6 Debate Final

26/11/20              Year 5 Speech Final

26/11/20              Moving on Workshop @ BBT

27/11/20              T1 Vietnamese classes finish

29/11/20              T1 Clubs finish

1&2/12/20           Vietnamese and EAL PTSCs

3/12/20                PTG Disco 

5/12/20                PTG Christmas BISzaar

7/12/20                T2&3 Club sign up

8/12/20                Carol concert 6pm@ JC

11/12/20              Club sign up end @ 12pm

15/12/20              Term Finishing 12pm

And Finally…

A reminder please to ensure that all hats, water bottles and clothing is clearly labelled with your child’s name.  We have quite a bit of unnamed uniform and other items that we cannot find homes for. If items are labelled, they can more easily be returned to the correct class and child. Thank you for your support with this.

Have a lovely weekend,

Deirdre Grimshaw, Headteacher of Junior Campus