Helmet Heroes | British International School Ho Chi Minh City - we-can-all-be-helmet-heroes
16 October, 2019

We can all be Helmet Heroes!

Helmet Heroes | British International School Ho Chi Minh City - we-can-all-be-helmet-heroes
We can all be Helmet Heroes! Ms Mary McAloon talks about the focus BIS currently has on wearing a helmet whilst riding on a motorbike.

Have you seen Helmet Hero?  Helmet Hero has been out and about outside school spotting BIS children and their families making good choices on their way to and from school when riding a motorbike.


In last Friday’s assembly, the primary children were introduced to our very special guest, Helmet Hero.  Helmet Hero has come to help us remember why it is so important to wear a helmet when riding on motorbikes and bicycles.  Without a hard helmet, there is a much greater risk of damaging your head if you were to fall from the bike. 

Here is Humpty Dumpty who helped Helmet Hero share the important message of always wearing a helmet when riding a motorbike or bicycle:

“According to a Cochrane review, helmet use reduces the risk of motorcycle injuries by 69% and motorcycle fatalities by 42%” (WHO, 2019).  With facts like these, we believe that everyone who rides a motorbike must wear a helmet irrespective of their age.  Helmet Hero warns us to not take chances and instead, buy and wear a helmet that fits well and meets international standards; ECE 22.06 standard (Economic Commission for Europe) or equivalent.

On Saturday, Helmet Hero spotted good choices being made following the assembly.  Katie in 2M was seen selecting a bicycle helmet in the local Ride bike shop.  Katie’s Daddy checked the helmet fitted perfectly before purchasing and even bought himself one.  This is great to see and shows how important our community believes Helmet Hero’s message really is.  Katie has been wearing her helmet since Monday when travelling to and from school; well done, Katie!


Poster Competition

To help Helmet Hero promote the campaign, we invite all children from F3 to Y6 to design a poster to be displayed around the campuses.  The poster must encourage our community to make good choices, wear a helmet and be safe when riding a motorbike or bicycle.  Posters must be handed to Ms Mary or Mr Chris by Friday 1st November.  The winning posters will be displayed around the campus to encourage our community to wear a helmet every time they ride a motorbike or bicycle.  When Helmet Hero spots children and their drivers wearing a helmet, the children will be rewarded with a special Helmet Hero sticker (but you ALL have to be wearing one!).

Ms Mary Mcaloon, Deputy Headteacher Early Years and Infant Campus 

Helmet Sticker01


*Liu B et al., (2008) Cited in WHO (2019) https://www.who.int/bulletin/volumes/87/5/08-057109/en/ (Online)