Years 12 and 13

IB Diploma Programme Open Evening

We invite both students and parents to discover our IBDP on Thursday 22nd February at 6pm. With over 30 subjects to choose from and hundreds of co-curricular and service opportunities, our sixth-form students personalise their learning pathways, unlocking a world of possibilities for their future. 
IB Diploma Programme Open Evening | Ages 16-18 | BIS HCMC - Content Page Header


  • Discover the 30+ subjects available for you to design your ideal learning pathway
  • Join our mini subject group fair and discover your options
  • Meet our specialist teachers and senior leadership team that will guide you to success
  • Hear from our current IBDP student on her journey and get a feel for the IBDP at BIS HCMC
  • Discover our specialist facilities and engaging learning spaces on our secondary campus
  • For applications made following your attendance at our open day our application fee of 4,500,000VND will be waived
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IB Diploma Programme Open Evening | Ages 16-18 | BIS HCMC - Feature Cards Pattern 2

The Core IBDP Programme

In addition to their IBDP subjects, our students spend four periods per week on their core programme. This is made up of three elements, which are designed to develop key critical thinking, research, and social skills.
IB Diploma Programme Open Evening | Ages 16-18 | BIS HCMC - Feature Cards Pattern 2
Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS)
Playing to their strengths and interests, our students choose a creative experience, physical activity, and a service opportunity that supports one of our community partners. From composing a piece of music to helping local students with their English, your child will develop into a well-rounded global citizen.
IB Diploma Programme Open Evening | Ages 16-18 | BIS HCMC - Feature Cards Pattern 2
Theory of Knowledge
Your child will develop their critical thinking skills through our Theory of Knowledge course. They'll deepen their understanding of specific subjects, reflect on the nature of knowledge, and discover how and why we learn.
IB Diploma Programme Open Evening | Ages 16-18 | BIS HCMC - Feature Cards Pattern 2
Extended Essay
The Extended Essay engages our students in an in-depth research project, which is based around a topic they're passionate about. This is excellent preparation for the rigours of academic writing at university, as well as giving them an advantage when it comes to preparing their applications.


Our 2023 IBDP points score was significantly higher than the global average of 30.2.
Three of our students achieved the perfect IBDP score. 
1 in 3
IBDP students scored 40 points or more, significantly higher than the UK average.
of our students passed their IBDP.
IB Diploma Programme Open Evening | Ages 16-18 | BIS HCMC - Small Text And Image
university destinations


In 2023, 70% of our graduates were accepted by one of the world’s top 100 universities. These include the University of Oxford and Imperial College London in the UK, the University of Pennsylvania and Columbia University in the United States, Seoul National University and the National University of Singapore in Asia, and the University of Sydney and Melbourne in Australia. 

Whatever your aims and aspirations, our dedicated College and University Guidance Team will help you to get exactly where you want to go.


04:25 PM
MONDAY - FRIDAY 7.30 - 4.00pm
current weather
IB Diploma Programme Open Evening | Ages 16-18 | BIS HCMC - 07 - Local Area Map-weather icon 32.6 °C
Our Campuses
Secondary Campus
  • Secondary Campus
  • Junior Campus
  • Early Years and Infant Campus
  • Secondary Campus, 246 Nguyen Van Huong, Thao Dien, Thu Duc City, HCMC
  • Junior Campus, 225 Nguyen Van Huong, Thao Dien, Thu Duc City, HCMC
  • Early Years and Infant Campus, 101 Thao Dien Street, Thao Dien, Thu Duc City, HCMC


  • What are the benefits of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP)?

    The IBDP prepares our students for life after school, both at university and beyond.

    While traditional qualifications often focus on developing a deep understanding in a limited number of subjects, students following the IB Diploma study an array of subject groups. This means every young person acquires a broad understanding. The interdisciplinary nature of the programme cultivates well-rounded global citizens, too.

    Having a grounding in multiple subject groups means students aren't limited when it comes to applying for university places. When a particular subject or topic sparks a passion within our students, they can choose to follow it here and in higher education.

    The IB Diploma also develops a host of transferable skills. For example, the Extended Essay is an excellent blueprint for university writing and dissertations.

  • What is the IBDP equivalent to? 
    For students aged 16 to 18, the IB Diploma is an alternative to A-levels in the UK and Advanced Placement (AP) in the United States.
  • What is the difference between IGCSEs and the IBDP?

    At BIS HCMC our students study for their International General Certificate of Education (IGCSE) between the ages of 14 and 16 (Years 10-11). The IGCSEs are an internationally adapted version of British GCSEs.

    Between the ages of 16 and 18 (Years 12-13), our students go on to complete the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP). Both certifications are recognised by top universities worldwide.

  • How many hours do IBDP students study?   
    IB Diploma students take some subjects at higher level and some at standard level. Each student takes at least three (no more than four) subjects at higher level, and the remaining at standard level. Over the course of two years, standard level subjects account for 150 teaching hours, while higher level subjects comprise 240 teaching hours.
  • How hard is the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme? 

    The IB Diploma is an academically challenging programme. It's best suited to students who are willing to dedicate themselves to advanced courses, work well in a structured environment, and push themselves to go above and beyond.

  • Do UK universities accept the IBDP?
    Yes, the IBDP is widely recognised by top UK universities. For universities such as Oxford or Cambridge, students need to obtain a minimum score of between 38 and 40 points (depending on the course). For more information on where our IBDP graduates go on to study, see our university destinations.
  • Do US universities accept the IBDP?
    Yes, the IBDP is accepted by US universities. It's also valued by around 2,000 institutions worldwide. On average, the acceptance rate of IB students to Ivy League Universities is 18% higher than the overall rate. For more information on where our IBDP graduates go on to study, see our university destinations.
  • Is the International Baccalaureate worth it?

    While the IB Diploma Programme is widely regarded as the most challenging course of study, it's a prestigious and desirable qualification that's highly prized by the best universities. The demands of the programme inspire students to go above and beyond in pursuit of their goals, as well as opening doors to careers and further education anywhere in the world. The IB Diploma also gives students the opportunity to earn university credits.