15 September, 2023

Bucksmore Summer Course at Oxford University: A Life-Changing Experience

Bucksmore Summer Course at Oxford University: A Life-Changing Experience | British International School in Hanoi - NAE-Bucksmore Summer Course at Oxford University A Life Changing Experience
As part of the Nord Anglia family of schools, our students will have access to unique opportunities and experiences beyond the classrooms. Last summer, Thuc Anh, a Year 13 student, participated in the Bucksmore Advanced University Preparation Course at Oxford University, which proved to be a life-changing adventure.
Besides academics and education, the course taught me most about independence and responsibilities.
To Nguyen Thuc Anh
Year 13 student
Over the course of two weeks, she had the opportunity to discover her favourite subjects, engage in thrilling activities, explore the beauty of England, and form lifelong friendships, creating memories that would last a lifetime. 

NAE Bucksmore | BIS Hanoi

The academic rigour of the programme served as an eye-opener for Thuc Anh. Despite its brevity, the academic challenges provided her with a glimpse into the high intellectual demands of university life. She immersed herself in law, observing trials at an actual Crown Court, and delved into international relations, gaining insights into global politics and governance. 

Beyond the classroom, Thuc Anh found joy in the exhilarating activities and cherished moments spent with her new friends. From gripping rollercoaster rides at Thrope Park to spirited games of Capture the Flag, every experience was filled with laughter and excitement. 

NAE Bucksmore | BIS Hanoi

What truly left an impact on Thuc Anh was the diverse community of students she encountered. Interacting with peers from around the world, she learned about their cultures and gained unique perspectives that broadened her horizons. 

Reflecting on her time at Bucksmore, Thuc Anh emphasises that the course extended beyond academics. It nurtured her independence, teaching her valuable life skills and responsibilities. The message from the centre manager on lifelong learning resonated deeply with her, encouraging personal growth beyond the classroom. 

As Thuc Anh concludes her account, she expresses gratitude for the unforgettable experience and encourages others to embark on this transformative journey.  

“Besides academics and education, the course taught me most about independence and responsibilities. It prepares you to not only become a university student, but also a proper individual (adult, even) managing all aspects of life”, she shared.  

For over 40 years, Bucksmore Education has been providing students with innovative and engaging academic short courses, centred around helping young people find and pursue their passions and ambitions. Its University Preparation course at Oxford University continues to inspire and empower students, fostering a love for learning and cultural exchange.