Principal's Weekly Update (23 June 2023) | British International School Hanoi - Principal Weekly Update
Richard Vaughan
23 June, 2023

Principal's Weekly Update (23 June 2023)

Principal's Weekly Update (23 June 2023) | British International School Hanoi - Principal Weekly Update
The last week of school is always filled with anticipation for all members of our community.

Dear Parents,

As I sit to write this weekly newsletter, I cannot believe how much is still going on during these last days of school. At the Primary, we hosted some Parent Connect sessions with tips on what to do during the summer.

Principal's Weekly Update (23 June 2023) | British International School Hanoi - Principal Weekly Update

Renowned artist Duong Giap came to our school and spent some time with our secondary students working together to bring our lobby to life with a new piece of art that will be put on display over the summer. 

Principal's Weekly Update (23 June 2023) | British International School Hanoi - Principal Weekly Update
At our Principal’s Awards Assembly, we celebrated one student in each year group that stood out as ambassadors of our values of integrity, care, respect, enquiry, reflection, and perseverance. We are proud of you all.

Principal's Awards Assembly | BIS Hanoi

The last week of school is always filled with anticipation for all members of our community. We say our goodbyes and share summer plans. We look for ways to stay connected and reflect on what we would like to see in the next academic year. We distributed our annual yearbook to our students yesterday and I couldn’t help notice that this year's publication is much thicker than previous ones, packed with high-quality content and memories which will stay with us forever. Because this year we have really surpassed ourselves, and I want to take the time to thank each and every one of you for being part of our community and making this special 10th Anniversary year the best ever. I am so honoured to be your Principal.

Principal's Weekly Update (23 June 2023) | British International School Hanoi - Principal Weekly Update

I would like to wish you a fantastic summer break and look forward to welcoming you all back on August 17th, for an exciting new academic year 2023/24.

Kind regards 

Richard Vaughan
