As you would have seen in my letter, this is certainly the feeling behind our vision statement. Here at BIS Abu Dhabi, we are “Empowering & enriching lives for future success”. This is not only the lives of our students, but also the community, our parents and our teachers alongside the many good causes we support. Even more than that, it is individuals whose lives will be improved because of the young people who graduate through our doors and the impact they can have in the future.
I also wanted to acknowledge the academic success that Mr. Lowe discussed in his newsletter last week; I am very proud of the achievements recently reported across the school. Academic success comes from creating a climate conducive to quality learning, by recruiting the best teachers and enabling them to bring learning to life. Therefore, to support our vision statement our mission highlights our ambitions ‘Our mission is to create world class learning experiences that recognise and nurture empathetic, resilient and talented individuals.’
We have lots to look forward to over the next term, including GCSE and IB exams, Graduation, the school production, guest speakers and a new Creative Arts Centre. We also have our first in-school Iftar created by our Community Group that will take place on Monday, 10th of April.
Ramadan Kareem, wishing you a blessed and happy month.