Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
10 March, 2023

Year 5 Kayaking

Year 5 Kayaking - Year 5 Kayaking
Year 5 Kayaking
Over the past couple of weeks, our Year 5 students have had a great time exploring the Eastern Mangrove Marine Park with Noukhada Adventure Company and learning about the importance of this fragile ecosystem.

They successfully navigated the waterways searching for signs of wildlife that call this habitat their home – they were lucky enough to spot different species of herons, crabs and hundreds of fish hiding amongst the interesting root system!

Putting their geography skills into practice, the students were able to identify a wide range of different physical and human features and discussed the impact that we have on the natural environment. It was interesting to learn that the mangroves are a ‘carbon sink’ (meaning they absorb and store carbon dioxide) and act as a nursery to approximately 80% of fish species. 

Very well done Year 5! The kayak guides were so impressed with your curiosity and prior knowledge. You displayed immense resilience and excellent communication skills while kayaking, it wasn’t easy to synchronise paddling with your partner so you didn’t end up going round in circles!

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