Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
27 January, 2023

Juilliard Dance Visit

Juilliard Dance Visit - Juilliard Dance Visit
Juilliard Dance Visit
Our Juilliard Dance Specialist Helen Tocci, had a jam-packed two days at The British International School Abu Dhabi.

Her day began with an early morning community workshop for parents of students in Year 3 and Year 4 explaining and delivering the Juilliard philosophy.

During Helen’s visit, she worked closely with the Year 3 and Year 4 classroom teachers offering professional development and sharing opportunities for creativity within the curriculum. Helen worked closely with the dance teachers observing both Year 1 and Year 2 dance lessons.

Later in the visit, Becka Vargus another Juilliard Dance Specialist joined Helen to deliver a choreography workshop to girls in Year 8. This workshop will form part of the programme to support students in creating their own dance for the annual dance show. It has been an inspirational visit allowing a number of teaching staff to understand and utilise the Juilliard Creative Classroom, an online performing arts resource for Nord Anglia schools.

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