Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
18 November, 2022

Juilliard Music Visit

Juilliard Music Visit - Juilliard Music Visit
Juilliard Music Visit
Last week, Juilliard Music Specialist, Stephen Dunn visited our school.

Here is what Stephen said about his visit:

It was a true pleasure to visit BIS Abu Dhabi in person after a long stretch of collaborating virtually! I was thrilled to be in Primary and Secondary classrooms working with and observing music classes as they engaged with Juilliard lessons. Students explored their own personal artistry while connecting to musical masterworks by Nina Simone, John Williams, Bach and Mozart, to name a few. Teachers participated in professional development sessions that were aimed at setting them up for success using Juilliard Creative Classroom. Thank you to the entire school community for such a warm welcome and inspiring visit!

- Stephen Dunn, Music Curriculum Specialist from The Juilliard School 

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