Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
07 October, 2022

Juilliard Visit

Juilliard Visit - Juilliard Visit
Juilliard Visit
Jennifer Shirley, Juilliard Drama Specialist visited BIS Abu Dhabi this week! 
Throughout the pandemic the Performing Arts Department at BIS Abu Dhabi have worked very hard to maintain our link and collaboration with Juilliard. Whilst curriculum planning meetings, professional development and lessons have continued virtually, nothing beats a face-to-face collaboration. This week, we were lucky enough to finally welcome Jennifer Shirley from Juilliard, New York into school.

It was a very busy two-day visit with Jennifer running parent workshops, designed to introduce to parents the aims and objectives of our collaboration with Juilliard and for them to experience for themselves the ‘Juilliard Approach’ through an experiential workshop. Feedback from parents was extremely positive, with many commenting on how the experience of a Juilliard lesson has deepened their understanding of the relevance and impact of subjects such as Drama, in the curriculum throughout the school.

In addition to the parent workshop Jennifer taught lessons to students in Year 9 and Year 10, observed Drama specialists teaching Juilliard lessons, ran professional development workshops for Primary staff and met with Senior Leadership and Drama leads to plan and put in place targets for Drama this academic year.

Jennifer has asked for the following message to be passed onto the staff, students, parents, and wider school community.

Please share my thanks and respect with the staff, students, and community at BIS Abu Dhabi. During my visit I had a chance to engage with diverse groups in your school community, from parents and students to teachers and school leaders. Across the board I found enthusiasm and support for the Performing Arts. I was very impressed with the dedication and passion of your parent body, the inquisitive minds of your students, the open and supportive communication with your leadership team, but mostly with the tireless dedication of your Creative Arts Team and in particular the Drama Department as the focus for this visit. You put student experience front and centre in all you do, and continually advocate for the best for your students. Please keep up the good work!

The BIS Abu Dhabi community have gained so much from Jennifer’s expertise this visit and look forward to welcoming both Music and Dance specialists throughout the coming year.


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