Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
16 September, 2022

Message from the Head of Primary

Message from the Head of Primary - Message from the Head of Primary
Message from the Head of Primary
A week of superheroes!

What a week! I remember starting the week standing at the gate on Monday morning looking forward to the week ahead to welcome our Primary students into class. But it was far from what I expected. In no time at all, I was met by wave after wave of what I can only call vertically challenged superheroes. We had every kind of superhero from Spiderman, Wonder Woman, Batman, Ironman, Catwoman, The Hulk and Supergirl to name but a few. These intrepid Year 2 heroes had a day of problem solving trying to use characteristics that we all want to develop like, curiosity, empathy, resilience, reflection, and evaluation. They had a great time saving me from the horrible villain Cyclone and my goodness they did well to solve all the problems to get me released. What a great way to kick off their new topic!  

I also was met on Monday by another little hero. A boy in Year 1 (I won’t name him), was so upset because he had forgotten to bring his toy into school as they were going to start their topic on toys. What made him heroic in my eyes was the way he managed to cope with his disappointment. He was clearly upset with himself, but instead of dwelling on it he managed to regroup himself and agreed to a solution of finding a picture of his favourite toy (Buzz Lightyear – but not the old one the new Disney Pixar one! – He was very clear about this!) and used this as a prompt for him to talk about why his toy was special to him. He really did impress me in how he handled his emotions, how he set to look to a solution and how he adapted to use what was available to him which allowed him to continue to contribute to the class rather than sitting it out. Very impressive!

This week also saw us reflecting on real superheroes - namely Queen Elizabeth II. Our assemblies this week have made connections with her heroic qualities, her kindness, humility, and commitment to a life of service. This time has helped us to think about others and how we can all look to help one another in small ways. 

Elsewhere this week we have seen the launch of CCAs. I couldn’t help myself from watching the school production CCA on Wednesday after school as the students grew in excitement seeing that after so long, we are going to be able to put a production together. From my experience of having my own teenage daughter, normally any request to do extra work in the evenings let alone the weekends would be met with groans and statements of ‘Do I have to?’ But not in this CCA – they were genuinely excited to be able to prepare for auditions, willing to practice and then to commit to even weekends of rehearsals as the time nears later in the year for the big performance. Again, I couldn’t help but be impressed. 

The Early Years team have also had some superhero moments building on their visit from Spiderman himself. Children have been exploring 3d shapes, building their own superhero city, exploring the features of spiders and their webs, and making lots of links through their artwork and reading material.  

In other areas of the school, I have seen children being excited to explore what it might be like to be an archaeologist. In Year 3 they have been using tools to complete a mini excavation. On discovering the hidden artefacts, the children made careful observations and had to record their findings just like a real archaeologist would. This was a fantastic opportunity for the children to develop their science investigative skills as well as having a lot of fun! 

I have also seen some fantastic experiments taking place. Children in Year 6 have been exploring the qualities and features of blood. Making their own versions of blood to help explore its constituent elements. I know next week they move onto the circulatory system and will be dissecting hearts. 

Then to top it all we had our very own sporting heroes who last night almost achieved an 100% win rate in the girls and boys under 19s volleyball against Brighton and Raha. Superb results so early in the term. 

There is so much learning taking place. Students are exploring, investigating, problem solving, making connections with the real world, and taking risks, testing their thoughts, and putting themselves in a position of vulnerability outside of their comfort zones to grow as learners and young people. 

This is why I love my job. Every week there are so many reasons to celebrate. So many moments of joy as students across the school engage with one another on their journey to make the most of each and every day. Another superhero quality that I am privileged to experience day in day out at BIS Abu Dhabi. 


Alan Cocker, Head of Primary