Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
15 June, 2022

World Ocean Day Competition Winners

World Ocean Day Competition Winners - world-ocean-day-competition-winners
World Ocean Day Competition Winners
As part of BIS Abu Dhabi’s World Ocean Day celebrations last week students created a poster, using what they had learnt on how to save our oceans.
World Ocean Day Competition Winners As part of BIS Abu Dhabi’s World Ocean Day celebrations last week students created a poster, using what they had learnt on how to save our oceans. As part of BIS Abu Dhabi’s World Ocean Day celebrations last week students created a poster, using what they had learnt on how to save our oceans.

Students chose to create their posters either individually or collaboratively. The posters were then judged by 4Oceans which is an online purpose driven business to eliminate the plastic crises in the oceans. 

4Oceans has now selected their winners! A huge congratulations to Charlie in FS, Yun Year 1, Almaha Year 2, Hamdan, Mariam and Mohamed Year 3, Juha Year 4, Emily Year 5 and Ioanna, Serena and Ela Year 6. In Secondary, the winners are Maiya Year 7, and Haaym Year 8. 

4Oceans selected these posters as the winners but would like to thank all the students for making posters and understanding that keeping our oceans clean and free from rubbish is imperative.

Congratulations to all students that took part for their awesome creations and originality!