11-15 Year Olds

Nord Anglia Education STEAM Pioneers Summer Programme

This programme is a unique opportunity for students to build their understanding of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths by actively applying scientific concepts outside of the classroom.
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This course places a strong emphasis on enriching arts and sciences. Students will engage in hands-on activities with dedicated teachers who provide tailored support. Maths is approached practically, and students will have the opportunity to connect with Nord Anglia peers from across the globe. 

The programme is for students who want to explore their passion for different subjects via fun, educational and practical workshops run by experts, designed to stimulate their interest long term. The themes of the workshops can include: Aeronautics, robotics, engineering, forensics, architecture, design and biodiversity. 

A STEAM focused programme is an ideal way for students to learn more about critically important subject areas in a fun and engaging way, as they start considering their path through secondary school, college, and beyond. Students will also have the opportunity to relax on the Brighton Campus and take part in exciting cultural experiences in the surrounding area with trips to London and Oxford.

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Boost your creativity

The STEAM Pioneers Summer Programme runs for a duration of one, two, three or four weeks, with classroom based activities taking place in the morning and excursions or project work in the afternoon.

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Alongside the STEAM lessons, students take part in a series of workshops led by industry professionals.


Students taking part in our Drone Coding workshop will learn to code the flight patterns of their drones using block programming or Swift coding language (used to develop apps on iPhone and iPad). They’ll provide algorithms to their drone to help guide it safely around a course or to perform a coordinated routine. This encourages students to use creative thinking to find solutions to a challenging problem.

Forensic Science

The ‘Whodunit’ forensic science workshop is a highly unique and interactive activity. It sees students examine a crime scene, investigate a murder based on a real-life case and ends in the fight of their life presenting the evidence in a mock courtroom trial. The day inspires students, gives them focus, confidence, and helps them apply theory into practice through a range of practical exercises. The activity boosts students’ knowledge of the sciences and gives them a better understanding of how literacy and communication skills are required in professional scientific occupations.

Prepare Robots

Students will build robots using LEGO® MINDSTORMS® and code them using an easy to use graphical environment. This gripping activity broadens students’ knowledge and understanding about some key concepts from the fields of science, engineering, technology and mathematics. Coding in class has never been more fun!

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Download our Nord Anglia Education Short Courses Brochure

Nord Anglia Education Short Courses Brochure 2024 Summer Programme.pdf (980 KB)
