05 July, 2024

Early Years Art Auction raises 63,733 THB for community partners

Early Years Art Auction - Early Years Art Auction

Recently, our Early Years held an Art Auction, where they auctioned the children’s artwork with the funds going to charity. The event was a contested celebration of creativity, featuring fabulous process art from our talented little artists in Pre-Nursery, Nursery, and Reception classes.

The excitement was palpable as parents and friends bid enthusiastically to the last minute on these unique masterpieces, each one a testament to the boundless imagination and effort of our children.

Early Years Art Auction - Early Years Art Auction

Early Years Art Auction - Early Years Art Auction

We are thrilled to announce that an amazing 63,733 THB was raised for our Community Partners: 'Agape Home' and 'Father Ray Day Care'.

The funds helped Agape Home to build a canopy at the front of the centre. Something that Agape Home have wanted to do for a long time but have not had the funds to do so until now.

Early Years Art Auction - Early Years Art Auction

For our youngest artists the Art Auction was an enriching learning experience. Engaging in community service always helps students grow and develop empathy, resilience and the importance of giving back.

The support and participation of the Art Auction made this event unforgettable as we celebrated the creativity and talent of our youngest artists. The generosity of Regents community has already made a significant impact.

Early Years Art Auction - Early Years Art Auction