24 June, 2024

An unforgettable graduation day for our IBDP and A-Level students 2024

Graduation Day 2024 - Graduation Day 2024

Graduation day is a milestone in life, marking the culmination of years of hard work, dedication, and growth. At Regents International School Pattaya, the graduation day on 7th June 2024 for our International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) and our first ever A-Level graduates was nothing short of spectacular, filled with joy, pride, and a sense of accomplishment.


Procession walk: A tribute to the journey

On the way to the Graduation Ceremony, the graduates, led by the School Principal Ms Amos Turner-Wardell and the School Founder Dr Virachai Techavijit, made a heartwarming procession walk through the Primary school. Graduates, dressed in their caps and gowns, were greeted with enthusiastic cheers and applause from younger students and teachers lining the corridors. This symbolic journey through the school was a touching reminder of how far the graduates have come, the community that supported them along the way and that the younger students are looking up to them.


Graduation Day 2024 - Graduation Day 2024

Graduation Day 2024 - Graduation Day 2024


A ceremony to remember

Family and friends filled the seats in the Globe theatre, eager to witness this significant moment. As each graduate's name was called, they walked across the stage to receive their certificates, greeted by proud smiles and applause. Special awards were given to students who excelled in academics, leadership, sports, and community service, recognising their exceptional contributions and achievements.


Graduation Day 2024 - Graduation Day 2024

Graduation Day 2024 - Graduation Day 2024


Graduation Day 2024 - Graduation Day 2024

Graduation Day 2024 - Graduation Day 2024


Celebrating success with loved ones

Following the formal ceremony and traditional cap throwing, the celebration continued with a reception. The reception area was abuzz with excitement, as graduates, families, and friends gathered to share in the joy of the occasion.


Laughter, hugs, and photo opportunities were abundant as memories of the day were captured and cherished. It was a time for graduates to reflect on their journey, express gratitude to those who supported them, and look forward to the future with optimism and confidence.



Graduation Day 2024 - Graduation Day 2024


A day to cherish forever

The graduation day for our IBDP and A-Level students was a truly memorable event, celebrating their academic achievements and personal growth. It was a day filled with pride, joy, and hope, marking the beginning of new adventures and opportunities for our graduates. As they step into the next chapter of their lives, they carry with them the knowledge, skills, and experiences that will guide them toward a bright and successful future.


Graduation day reminded everyone of the power of education and the strength of community, leaving a lasting impression on all who attended.


We are so proud of them all! 


Watch the 2024 Graduation video - Regents International School Pattaya to experience this wonderful day.