12 June, 2024

Celebrating completion of Phase 1: Project ‘Mission Possible’ supporting education on the border of Thailand and Myanmar

Mission Possible Phase 1 - Mission Possible Phase 1

At the end of 2023, Regents community celebrated when the student-led initiative ‘Mission Possible’ was awarded with the Nord Anglia Education Social Impact Grant of  of 10,000 USD.

Project ‘Mission Possible’has been created by our Year 10 Student Community Partner Representatives who want to make a long-term sustainable difference to an non for profit organization called ‘Women with a mission’ which serves to educate stateless orphan children on the border of Thailand and Myanmar.  

Last week we had the opportunity to celebrate ‘Mission Possible’ again, as phase 1 of the project has been completed. The students behind the project Yubin, Yoonwoo, Eunsong, Ariana, Yanue and Veronica together with their supportive teachers and the School Principal held an online conference to meet with students from the Mae Sot region in Thailand.

The funding secured went towards creating new bedding and desks for the Love and Care centre, where the students were actively involved in the assembly of this new infrastructure.

Regents presented certificates to both our Year 10 students and Students at the Love and Care centre, to recognise the hard work and effort that has gone to transform this space, which houses stateless orphans on the border of Myanmar.


Mission Possible Phase 1 - Mission Possible Phase 1


Regents community is very proud of this important project and the work doesn’t end here: in Phase 2, next year, ‘Mission Possible’ will continue to work with the facility and assist them further.


   Mission Possible Phase 1 - Mission Possible Phase 1