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Boarding Benefits
This term, our Boarding students have been reaping the benefits that being members of an extended family on an outstanding campus provides.
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News image Regents_2_low Blog | soe | Choosing A School | Global Campus | Global Citizenship | Homepage Featured Article | Outstanding Learning | Primary School | School News | Sport and Outdoor Education
Inaugural NAE South East Asia Games a Resounding Success
Five teams, three countries, over 100 Year 5 and 6 children with a love of sport and a desire to compete – that was the successful recipe for the inaugural Nord Anglia South East Asia Games, held over the weekend at Regents International School Pattaya.
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News image 20161104_145618 Blog | category10 | Choosing A School | Global Citizenship | Homepage Featured Article | Outstanding Learning | Performing and Creative Arts | Secondary School
Year 9 Drama Students Explore the Magical World of Trestle Masks
Drama students at Regents International School Pattaya have been exploring the fascinating development of mask theatre. The Trestle mask technique complements the students’ study of the plain white neutral mask and the anarchic world of Commedia dell Arte where characters wear half-masks and are allowed to speak! Read more information here from Drama teacher, Mr Michael Thomas.
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News image IMG_0644 Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Choosing A School | Global Citizenship | Homepage Featured Article | Primary School | School News | Secondary School | Sport and Outdoor Education
Extraordinary Medal Haul at 2016 FOBISIA Games
Regents International School Pattaya enjoyed an extraordinary medal haul at the 2016 FOBISIA Games held in Beijing. Demonstrating fantastic commitment and determination, all members of the squad returned as medalists.
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News image DSC_0044 Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Global Citizenship | Homepage Featured Article | School News | Secondary School
Regents Remembers
Students and staff took a trip to Kanchanaburi to represent the school at the annual Service of Remembrance on the 11th November.
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News image Year1Africa 11 Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Early Years | Global Citizenship | Homepage Featured Article | Outstanding Learning | School News
Year 1 Global Citizens set their sights on Africa
A few weeks ago Mrs Rand's Year 1 class invited our two South African Gap Staff, Kelebogile Sediane and Tlotlano Kgosieng to their classroom to learn a little bit more about what life is like on the African continent. Kele, who recently joined our Gap Staff this term, tells us what it was like to be interviewed by the enthusiastic Year 1 class. Well done to our junior journos!
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News image P8140129 Blog | glci | Choosing A School | Global Campus | Global Citizenship | Outstanding Learning | Primary School | Secondary School
Students Embrace Round Square Conservation Opportunity
Our commitment as a Round Square school continues with a number of wonderful conservation trips offered during the academic year for our students to participate in. One of those trips took place in August when a group of students and staff visited the Juara Turtle Project on Tioman Island.
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News image FullSizeRender Blog | pca | Choosing A School | Global Citizenship | Homepage Featured Article | Outstanding Learning | Performing and Creative Arts | School News | Secondary School
Talented Teacher Shows his Mettle
Regents International School Pattaya's exceptionally skilled brass teacher, Mr Clarence Mansell demonstrated his musical talent to Year 7 students by not only playing each brass instrument in the Music Department, but playing a tune on a tube, a funnel and a kettle. Needless to say, the students were amazed!
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News image 1473226997905 Blog | category10 | Boarding | Choosing A School | Global Campus | Global Citizenship | Homepage Featured Article | Outstanding Learning | School News
British Ambassador Visits Regents' Stand
Regents International School, Pattaya is hosting a stand at the British Chamber of Commerce Expo in Bangkok this week. We welcomed the British Ambassador, Mr Brian Davidson, to our stand.
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News image global citizenship awards 429616 Blog | PrimarySchool | Global Citizenship | Homepage Featured Article | Posts From Our People | Primary School | School News
Global Citizenship Award
It is with great pleasure that I announce this year’s award winners who have collected their certificates and much coveted badges today.
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News image DSC_0406 Blog | ol | Global Citizenship | Homepage Featured Article | Outstanding Learning
Students at Regents give hearts and minds to HIV/AIDS Charity
Day and boarding school students in Year 7 students at Regents International School Pattaya marked World AIDS Day this December.
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News image RegentPattayaTasmaniaRoundSquareConference2015 Blog | PrimarySchool | Global Citizenship | Outstanding Learning | Primary School | School News
Young Round Square Conference, Tasmania
The day we were waiting for was here… the day that we went on a long flight to Australia for The Young Round Square Conference. Thinking about what Tasmania was going to be like, Doy, EJ and I were so excited, that we couldn’t be silent for a second! Finally, tired but excited from a lot of travelling through some beautiful scenery, we arrived at Scotch Oakburn College.
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News image RegentsPattayainvitedtoYoungRoundSquareConferenceinTasmaniathumb Blog | glci | Global Citizenship | Primary School
Regents Pattaya invited to Young Round Square Conference, Tasmania
Just when we thought it might be nice to have a conference of some type for local Primary Schools, along comes Scotch Oakburn College with an invitation to visit their beautiful campuses in Tasmania for a Young Round Square Conference.
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News image KyiRoundsquareservicetriptoPeruRegentsPattaya0008 Blog | glci | Boarding | Global Citizenship | Homepage Featured Article | Posts From Our People
Round Square Service Project - Peru
All the knowledge that I learnt from the trip and the things I did during the trip will help me in the future. I am going share all of my experiences from this trip with my family, friends and the whole assembly at my school.
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News image News Default Image Blog | category11 | Global Citizenship | Posts From Our People | Primary School
Scholarship for Hand to Hand students
Using funds from the Round Square Special Projects budget, I am pleased to announce that we were able to offer scholarships to six Primary aged-children and three university students. These children, and their families, are very thankful for the support and the opportunity which Regents has given them and in return, we will be updated on how the students are getting on in their education throughout the year.
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