Vice President, Emily Khiev restated Eco-Councils missions and visions to ‘engage others in the protection of our environment with a vision to foster an everlasting ecological consciousness that will be preserved in the school community.’
Additionally, the Eco-Council expressed their desire to join with STUCO to ‘promote and share the students that share a variety of overlapping concerns and ethics for our community.’
As a first step to becoming an Eco-School, committee members split up into groups with an assigned teacher to evaluate and conclude a sustainability audit of Northbridge. Members carefully and attentively investigated prompts such as waste, litter, water and sanitation and more.
Through this assessment, the Eco-Council learnt the different environmental issues in the school such as waste of energy, water and waste management issues. Based on the assessments done by the committee members, Eco-Council chose to focus on the following themes: Waste and Biodiversity for the 2022-2024 academic years.
Evaluation of the biodiversity theme has concluded that although school grounds has plenty of green space, there is a lack of variety of native trees and plants. The Eco-Council plans to create a larger variety of habitats where different organisms can thrive within our school community. In our review of waste, we concluded that our school lacks recycling bins, also some of our students are unaware of the purpose of reducing waste.
Additional to evaluating school situations, Eco-Council was divided further into the following teams: events, communications, waste, biodiversity and the newly added design team.
Events Team: Led by Weiming Chen
Sovibol Pea
Liza Leang Touch
Kisty Phirun
Kahabadeiy Heng
Soksan Hay
Kaian Ostheimer-Heald
Catherine Chea
Riza Meas
RothShophor Villa
Uddom Chey Chhor
Communications Team: Led by Mei Mei Heng
Thuchini Ly
Lysodalen Suor
Alissa Shen
Waste Team:Led by Sereiy Sure Sedeiy
Sereiy Mongkol
Emily Bun
King Touch
Biodiversity Team: Led by Chan Thida Heng
Mayumi Escubil
Julie Pei Yong Te
Veasna Heng
Chan Sofie Chea
Remy Proeung
Keanghuy Kuch
Design Team: Led by Bothra Heng
Serey Wathanak Sunly
Sodana Heng
Sihak Chea
Heng Ear
Sihakreach Na Leng
We are excited to witness a change in the environment at Northbridge, and hope you are too!