What stepping into the High School years means at Northbridge - what-stepping-into-the-high-school-years-means-at-northbridge
Adam Crispin
23 August, 2021

What stepping into the High School years means at Northbridge

What stepping into the High School years means at Northbridge - what-stepping-into-the-high-school-years-means-at-northbridge
What stepping into the High School years means at Northbridge Graduation Day is the pinnacle of students' time at Northbridge International School Cambodia. A single day of celebration represents the culmination of years of effort. Think of it like an iceberg - you see the very tip, but there’s a whole mass of support hidden under the water.

Graduation Day is the pinnacle of students' time at Northbridge International School Cambodia. A single day of celebration represents the culmination of years of effort. Think of it like an iceberg - you see the very tip, but there’s a whole mass of support hidden under the water.

Progression towards graduation starts when students enter Early Years, and as an IB continuum school our education programmes are well aligned throughout the Primary Years Programme (PYP), MIddle Years Programme (MYP) and Diploma Programme (IBDP).

Within the MYP, Grades 9 and 10 are a distinct stage and when students enter Grade 9 they are now considered to be High School students. Students’ results and attendance records from Grade 9 onwards form part of their High School Transcript when they leave Northbridge in Grade 12.

As students mature, we expect them to take an increasing amount of personal responsibility. Whilst you may hear a younger student talking about doing their work for a teacher, by the time students are in High School, their mindset should be that they are completing this work for themselves in order to achieve their goals.

The effort put in and the progress made in Grades 9 and 10 will ensure that students are in the best possible position to excel when they move into the DP Programme.

As students move through Grades 9 and 10, they will be considering which subjects they will choose to follow in the DP, which will in turn be influenced by their university and career aspirations.

All this requires students to develop a range of skills and attributes. They will need to accept that hard work is necessary; they will also need to develop strategies for maintaining balance so that they are also able to take care of their wellbeing.

As students step into High School at Northbridge they are supported by expert subject teachers, caring pastoral support, university and careers guidance and of course by you, their families as we work together to develop caring hearts and ambitious minds.