Top tips for online learning from the Northbridge Head of Secondary - top-tips-for-online-learning-from-the-northbridge-head-of-secondary
Andrew Britnell
19 August, 2021

Top tips for online learning from the Northbridge Head of Secondary

Top tips for online learning from the Northbridge Head of Secondary - top-tips-for-online-learning-from-the-northbridge-head-of-secondary
Top tips for online learning from the Northbridge Head of Secondary As we are starting the new year online at Northbridge International School Cambodia I thought it might be useful to share some tips for making online learning successful. Students should use this time as on opportunity to become more independent and disciplined — traits that will be invaluable for a lifetime.

As we are starting the new year online at Northbridge International School Cambodia I thought it might be useful to share some tips for making online learning successful. Students should use this time as on opportunity to become more independent and disciplined — traits that will be invaluable for a lifetime.

1. Organise your workspace

The comfort of “attending” school from home can be distracting if you don’t allocate a dedicated workspace. Working on a bed may seem comfy but it will not encourage you to study at your best.


2. Get dressed and ready for your school day

It may seem like a simple thing, but getting prepared for class — including getting out of your pajamas and eating breakfast, can help put you in the right mindset for being attentive for your online studies. 


3. Get and stay organised

Thanks to technology, the school uses Google Classroom to help you easily keep track of your assignments. Take advantage of it. Also use your calendar to set reminders of upcoming tests, homework deadlines and other activities.


4. Be an active participant in your learning

When students are actively participating in lessons they get more out of them. Also remember asking for help and support  is just as important as on-campus learning. Don’t fear raising a virtual hand!


5. Stay Focused During Class

During this time of online learning, people may feel more distracted and less focused on learning. If the mind wanders, students miss essential content. Students should also consider extension browsers to block distracting content or leaving their phones in another room.


6. Use your breaks wisely

When you are not in lesson e.g. lunchtime or after school. Have some screen detox time. It might be a good time to go outside and get some fresh air.


With the right mindset, discipline and preparation, you will be able to make the most of an online lessons — paving the way to success now and with your future endeavours.