Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
01 October, 2020

Welcome to the update from the Northbridge Parent Council - 29 September 2020

Welcome to the update from the Northbridge Parent Council - 29 September 2020 - welcome-to-the-update-from-the-northbridge-parent-council--29-september-2020
Welcome to the update from the Northbridge Parent Council - 29 September 2020 Welcome to the update from the Northbridge International School Cambodia Parent Council, which follows their regular meeting and discussion. Here are the topics that were addressed at the latest meeting.

Welcome to the update from the Northbridge International School Cambodia Parent Council, which follows their regular meeting and discussion. Here are the topics that were addressed at the latest meeting.

Matters arising from 10 September meeting:

  • The Parent IT Helpline has been set up to assist parents with any IT issues relating to the use of school software and systems. IT sessions will also be included in the Parent Coffee Mornings.
  • School phone lines have been reviewed for faster and more efficient communication. Continued feedback on this is appreciated.

Discussion points from 29 September meeting:



The International Day is an annual event and will be held this year on 28 October 2020. In accordance with Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS) guidelines, some changes will be made, such as only flag bearers will be joining the flag parade; parents to prepare cultural displays and activities instead of food tables; and pre-recorded performances instead of live.

Events & Communications Manager Ms Nel will share more details on this event soon. She can also be contacted at:

NISCOrientation 100820187


Parents who are residents of NBC wanted to know why the hours they can use the sports hall was changed. Mr Richard replied that the changes to the use of the Sports Hall has been jointly agreed by NISC and NBC to ensure that all expectations on the proper use of facilities are met.



It was suggested by parents that the schedules for swim training, LEAP activities and drama be released to students all at the same time so the student can see all the options available to them and plan which activities they can choose. Mr Richard agreed with this proposal.  



Parents feel that our security team is not very effective in enforcing discipline and proper parking rules during peak hours. They suggested that the presence of teaching staff could help reinforce parking rules.

Mr Richard made clear that the school’s expectations are the shared responsibility of not only the drivers, but that of the parents. As such, the Driver Guidelines for the school car park has been sent home so parents can share the important information with their drivers. More signage will also soon be put up around the parking area.



The last year’s Yearbook did not have the year printed on its spine, which parents felt is a good addition. Mr Richard acknowledged this will be done next year.



If you're interested in applying to be the new Parent Council Chair, please email Ms Margie: