Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
24 August, 2018

Metals and acids reacting in the new science lab

Metals and acids reacting in the new science lab - metals-and-acids-reacting-in-the-new-science-lab
Metals and acids reacting in the new science lab The brand new science lab was the place where this week students from grade 8 led by Mr Tom Waldron explored, through experimentation, some properties of metals.

The brand new science lab was the place where this week students from grade 8 led by Mr Tom Waldron explored, through experimentation, some properties of metals.

This past summer was a very active one on the top floor of the secondary building. Many hours of hard work were invested to transform room 5307 into a brand new science laboratory. Mr Tom Waldron is the most frequent user of this space where students from grades 7 and 8 explore different areas of science lead by this teacher, geophysicist and chemist from Australia who joined the science department at NISC this year.

Metals have unique properties that allow them to react with acids in a very particular way. Grade 8 students geared up with all the safety equipment (lab coats, latex gloves and goggles) to explore how some metals react when in contact with acid. The experiment allowed students to see how these substances react and all went well with the lead of Mr Tom and the assistance of our lab technician and chemical engineer Ms Thida Long.


This year promises to be an exciting one for the science department as we learn and explore using our regular labs and this brand new space that will benefit the learning of all our students in the Secondary School.