Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
23 June, 2015

Meet our student journalists.

Meet our student journalists. - Meet our student journalists
Meet our student journalists.

81 students from our family of schools all over the world will head to New York this week for the Nord Anglia Global Orchestra.

The musicians will be joined by two student journalists who won the chance to attend through a competition by the Global Campus.


Meet our student journalists. Meet the two student journalists who will be reporting on the Global Orchestra from New York! Margareta

81 students from our family of schools all over the world will head to New York this week for the Nord Anglia Global Orchestra.

The musicians will be joined by two student journalists who won the chance to attend through a competition by the Global Campus.


Hannah Leigh from British International School of Houston and Margareta Durovcikova from The British School Warsaw were the lucky winners. The judges were very impressed with their excellent entries!

During the course of the trip they will conduct interviews, work with a cameraman, present to camera, write articles and assist with photography, all of which will be shared here on the Nord Anglia Education blog.

About the budding journalists

Hannah Leigh is a year 9 student at the British International School of Houston. Ever since she was little she has had a keen interest in literature and journalism, so she jumped at the chance to be a student journalist for the Global Orchestra. She also loves music, so this chance seemed a perfect fit for her.  She is extremely excited to meet everyone, improve her skills as a journalist and be in her favourite city in the USA.

Margareta Durovcikova is an aspiring writer and journalist from Slovakia. She just finished Year 11 and can't wait to go to New York. Reading, writing and film-making are her favourite ways of spending free time but she definitely wouldn't refuse a movie marathon. She hopes to get to know as many people as possible in New York and her ultimate goal is to capture the atmosphere and spirit of the Global Orchestra.