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News image 4 News | classnews | Class News
Paddington Bear Comes to Class
What a wonderful afternoon! The children in Foundation 2 Tigers have had several Paddington props and read some wonderful Paddington stories.
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News image _MG_3471 Blog
How to establish good study habits for life

Ethan Hildreth, Superintendent at the Nord Anglia American International School in Abu Dhabi, says building good study habits at the beginning of the school year can help students achieve in and outside of the classroom, as well as pave the way for success in other areas of their life.

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News image 1 News | schoolnews | School News
The First NIS Parent Workshop on Reading with Your Child at Home
The first NIS Parent Workshop discusses top tips on how parents can support children's reading at home.
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News image IMG_3235 News | schoolevents | Events & Programme
NIS' Got Talent 2018
Festival fun for the whole NIS Jakarta family as a rainbow of colours and flowers took over the field on Thursday as we celebrated the end of the school year with our NIS' Got Talent festival and family picnic
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News image IMG_3149 News | schoolevents | Events & Programme
Indonesia Day 2018
Our Indonesia Day was a wonderful celebration of culture and it was lovely to launch the day with traditional songs around the courtyard tree.
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News image IMG_4546 News | classnews | Class News
Our curiosity deepens as we drift into Space
Understanding of the world develops as children take notice of everything around them including places and all the things within their visible world.
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News image _DSC1560 News | sport
Sports Day Fun
Last week’s Sports Days were action packed and full of fun for the children, parents and staff.
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News image playground News | schoolnews | School News
New Playgrounds Coming in Summer 2018
School's plans for extensive playground refurbishment that will happen over the summer break.
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News image file1 News | sport
Sporting Success for NIS Jakarta
What a fantastic weekend of sporting success for NIS swimmers and footballers.
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News image dfw News | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
Educational Visit to BSP Organic Farm
Our Primary students had a wonderful opportunity to visit BSP Organic Farm last week.
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News image 12a News | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
New Library Coming in Summer 2018
We believe that reading is a vital key to unlocking learning and that the library should be the heartbeat of the school.
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News image file7 News | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
Mud Kitchen – A Recipe for Fun
Our children were very excited by a new delivery of pots, pans, buckets, sieves and wooden spoons.
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News image IMG20180409WA0005 News | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
NIS Swimmers Participated in Aquadragons Swim Competition
Well done to our small group of dedicated NIS swimmers who joined the Aquadragons Swim meet at the weekend!
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News image WhatsApp Image 20180409 at 120307 News | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
Cup Final Here We Come!
Our talented U10 Football team have had a very successful season.
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News image IMG_1953 News | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
NIS Pop Up Pancake Café
NIS Primary Students kicked off their new IPC learning ‘What’s on the menu?’ by visiting ‘The Global Pancake’ a pop up pancake café at NIS International School.
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News image IMG_0437_imagelink News | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
Educational Trip to The Zoo
The children wished to further investigate how various animals evolved.
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News image IMG_3259 News | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
Experimenting and Exploring with Science
The Ladybirds have enhanced their skills in planning and conducting investigations; gathering information; working as a team; and evaluating their findings
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