Blended learning at the Nord Anglia School Jakarta is engaging, meaningful, fun and, most importantly, priorities student wellbeing and ensures great progress.
We have had a stimulating and very enjoyable Book Week with a myriad of different activities taking place; class book studies, story writing, story baskets, book making, designing book covers, drama and poetry, and classroom doors decorated to represent the chosen book from each class.
We had an exciting few days here at NIS with the Bowstring film crew in school at the start of the week shooting film and interviews for our school promotional video.
The children of year 3 had a special visit from some experts in chocolate. As part of their themed learning about chocolate we had a visit from chocolatiers Mathieu and Intan of Monggo Chocolate.
The children and adults got a fabulous start to their morning as they were piped into school by Ross OC Jennings the record breaking, globe-trotting bagpiper
Here at NIS our budding young scientists are curious to know all about the body and how it works. To fuel their thirst for scientific knowledge and understanding, the teachers provide a variety of learning approaches and experiences for the children.
The school has been reverberating to the sounds of children rehearsing their songs and dance routines for the Christmas concert all week and yesterday it all reached a climax with our spectacular show.