Nord Anglia
15 May, 2022

Secondary Sports

The philosophy of the Department is that every pupil should be given the opportunity and encouragement to achieve their potential in a stimulating, informative and safe environment – further incorporating our ‘Be Ambitious’ school motto.

Our aims are to:

  • Encourage a healthy and active lifestyle throughout the school body
  • Nurture sportsmanship in all aspects of competition
  • Widen each pupil’s sporting experience and enjoyment
  • Create a passion for active recreation and sport
  • Assist pupils in reaching their physical potential in a variety of sporting environments

We pride ourselves in fostering the pursuit of excellence in a sport-for-all environment. NAS supports boys’ and girls’ to compete in many sports from the DASSA leagues including Football, Rugby, Netball, Cricket, Rounders, Aquathon, Athletics, Basketball and Swimming.

The PE department is extremely proud of the fact that we participated in over 400 fixtures in 2017/18 from year 3 to year 11 – an amazing feat which has been accomplished because of our outstanding students, teachers, parents and facilities. This has been recognized by the UAE Sports Teen awards where NAS Dubai was awarded 'Best Sport and fittest School’ newcomer.

Primary and Secondary Sport

NAS Dubai is in a privileged position to develop a student from three years old through to eighteen. The child’s sporting pathway has been carefully designed from EYFS through to year twelve. 

Primary and Secondary PE staff work closely in designing, planning and delivering sport at NAS which enhances a student’s experience in sport. The pathway for each and every child in sport is an enjoyable and challenging journey.

The importance of Physical Education

PE develops pupils’ competence and confidence to take part in a range of physical activities that become a central part of their lives, both in and out of school.

A high-quality PE curriculum enables all pupils to enjoy and succeed in many kinds of physical activity. They develop a wide range of skills and the ability to use tactics, strategies and compositional ideas to perform successfully. When they are performing, they think about what they are doing, they analyse the situation and make decisions. They also reflect on their own and others’ performances and find ways to improve upon them. As a result, they develop the confidence to take part in different physical activities and learn about the value of healthy, active lifestyles.

Discovering what they like to do, what their aptitudes are at school, and how and where to get involved in physical activity helps them make informed choices about lifelong physical activity.

PE helps pupils develop personally and socially. It instils passion, respect, integrity, resilience, teamwork, commitment and sportsmanship. They work as individuals, in groups and in teams, developing concepts of fairness and of personal and social responsibility. They take on different roles and responsibilities, including leadership, leading their own learning and coaching and officiating. Through the range of experiences that PE offers, they learn how to be effective in competitive, creative and challenging situations.

Sport for All vs. Elitism at NAS Dubai

We believe that every pupil should be given the opportunity to achieve their potential. Subsequently we seek to ensure that pupils of all abilities are encouraged to be the best they possibly can. By this rationale, the department believes that both Sport for All and Elite sporting performance can flourish side by side.

Lessons from year 7-9 are taught in single sex and groups are differentiated into ‘extension/exceeding’ ’expected’ and/or ‘development’ cohorts. Further differentiation happens within the lesson in order to assist all pupils to work at a level that is both challenging and tangible.


At the beginning and end of each year students from year 3-9 will take part in a series of baseline tests to determine areas of strength and weakness. Once all data is collected the department analyse the results and set groups accordingly to benefit the needs of all students. 

The top two sets for boys and girls will have the specialist teacher for the season of sport. ie. Season 1 football; the coach taking the team for football will take the squad for lessons in their curriculum time and their morning training. This will provide a much needed extra session to improve team performance. The development group will still participate in football but with students of similar ability. The development group will still have opportunities to make the squads. Groupings are flexible.

The PE curriculum has been designed so that the block of sports take place before and during the season. This will help teams prepare for the season ahead and work on tactics during the season.

As in with other subjects that set, streaming will enhance and accelerate learning and overall become more enjoyable for the students and will encourage full commitment, discipline and effort.

This is an example of the curriculum although this is subject to change.

Curriculum Outline and Aims

Our curriculum at NAS includes areas from the National Curriculum and sports that we compete in through the DASSA leagues. Groups are given the opportunity to train as squads in PE from years 7-12. We track and monitor the students to assess them throughout to ensure students know their ability levels and set targets to improve. Within the curriculum we look at key areas such as:

Through a balanced curriculum students will be encouraged to be physically active and literate, developing co-ordination, control and overall body management. They will be involved in problem-solving, communicating with others and team-building exercises. Students will be encouraged to understand the importance of a healthy life style through participation in and enjoyment of a variety of activities and environments. The streaming of students will enhance this outcome.

Inter house

NAS prides itself of being inclusive, offering opportunity and follow the idea of sport for all. Every students in the school is allocated a house upon arrival. Allegiance and loyalty to one’s house are a strong feature to life at NAS and this is, perhaps, most evident at the various sporting inter-house events which take place regularly throughout the year and at the end of each topic of sport. 

Results from inter-house sporting events are collected and collated to help overall house results at the end of term and year.


At NAS, we believe that all children should have the opportunity to learn how to swim and be taught how to stay safe in and around water. We provide students with opportunities for personal growth and enjoyment, and an introduction to the lifelong health benefits of swimming. Swimming is taught in a fun environment while nurturing a competitive attitude at the individual’s own rate. Our desire is to create a positive atmosphere where NAS students can learn to set individual goals and experience the rewards of achieving them.

We strive for all swimmers at NAS, especially our squad swimmers, to have the basic values of sportsmanship, good behaviour and team work. 

Our success is ultimately measured by how much opportunity we provide for the students of our school and by how much their individual potential is maximized. The building of positive attitudes, healthy bodies, disciplined minds, and enduring friendships are among the rewards our program strives to offer.

Sports facilities

The school has a brand new state of the art swimming facility comprising of two 6 lane swimming pools and two small teaching and learning pool and one splash play area for the younger age groups. 

  • A state of the art 4G multi purpose world rugby approved astro pitch
  • 2 full size astro football pitch.
  • 2 straight running tracks
  • Four outdoor netball, basketball and tennis courts
  • Spinning room
  • Weights room/fitness suite
  • Two dance studios



Boy’s football is a very popular sport at NAS Dubai and is played throughout all year groups in the curriculum. We run competitive A teams at U12, U13, U14 and U16  for the DAPSA leagues in term 1. Girl’s football is rapidly growing at NAS Dubai with us currently fielding A team s in U12, U14 and U16, but we envisage this growing further as the popularity grows with it. All teams have been very competitive with some groups winning DASSA titles in the leagues this academic year and we are hoping for more success next year.



Netball is a highly regarded sport by pupils and parents here at NAS. Each year we continue to develop and show high levels of ability in each netball season across all age ranges. 

Netball is open to all girls who would like to improve their skills. We begin training in term 1 and we currently aim to enter 2 teams per year group into the DASSA Netball league in term 2. This year we had two teams who finished top of their league and we also had a team finish 1st place in the DASSA finals tournament, a huge achievement!



NAS Secondary swim squad have made an outstanding effort this year by winning the Division Three League qualifying to compete in the Division Two League in the next Academic year.  On Thursday 31 January, swimmers competed in the DASSA Championship gala at the Hamdan Sports Complex to take home 4 Gold medals, 4 Silver medals and 24 Bronze medals in total.  It has been an exceptional year for the Secondary swim team to date and we have a lot more to look forward to.    



The Basketball program at NAS Dubai has continued to develop since the school’s opening. Teams are entered in DAPSA and DASSA league competition from the U19 to the U9 level. With the recent addition of outdoor court facilities and the ongoing construction of a new sports hall we will be looking to expand our offerings for the development program in cooperation with professional basketball providers here in the UAE. Highlights for the 2018-2019 academic year include fielding our first U19 girls team and our U16 girls going undefeated for the season and winning the DASSA league title. 



Rugby continues to be an extremely popular and successful boys sport at NAS Dubai, with us recently investing in a brand new, state of the art 4G pitch that will showcase us as a school with one of the best rugby facilities in Dubai. As a school we run teams at U8 Tag, U9 Contact, U10 Contact and U11 Contact rugby in term 2, as well as entering the annual DC 7s and DC10’s annual rugby tournament. As a school we are very competitive and have performed well in both the DAPSA leagues, becoming plate winners at the DC 10’s tournament. I’m positive that rugby at NAS Dubai will be even better next academic year.



Tennis continues to grow at NAS Dubai with mixed tennis teams at U14 Secondary level. These teams take part in an hours training each week, added with friendly matches against schools throughout Dubai. As a school we enter the Dubai Tennis Championships in March, which is an opportunity for our teams to participate in a competitive tournament. This year we entered 4 teams per age group which was the most of any school in Dubai and shows how popular the sport is. Additionally, all teams attend the Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships giving pupils the opportunity to watch live tennis and be involved in the CF Tennis ball kids programme.



Gymnastics is greatly popular amongst our primary students at NAS. We have a squad for gymnastics and then have CCA sessions, which for years 7-10. We focus mainly on artistic gymnastics, looking at floor and vault. The students are also taught about the importance of strength and conditioning, as well as flexibility to be successful in their sport. The students train during term 1 and 2, with their sessions culminating in a floor and vault competition. We have attended the competition since it started in 2016 and our students are regularly on the podium!



Dance CCA sessions are open to both girls and boys from year 3 upwards. During term 1 and 2 the students are working towards desert dance, which is a showcase which many other school in Dubai participate in. We are pleased to have seen an increase of boys getting involved in dance since our collaboration with Juilliard and implementing our performing arts curriculum. In addition to desert dance the students get to perform in our auditorium for our sports awards every year. The students experience a range of different styles from contemporary to hip hop and are often included in the choreographic process as well. 



Cricket has become a very enjoyable sport in term 3 here at NAS Dubai. We enter competitive teams at U13 and U15 level. As a school we have performed extremely well competing in the DASSA Tape Ball League. We also offer CCA cricket, giving pupils who don’t make the squads an equal opportunity to train, develop and enhance their skills. I’m sure that cricket will continue to be a success at NAS Dubai.



In secondary, rounders they will begin at the end of Term 2 with trials for the teams before the Easter break ready for the DASSA fixtures. The rounders teams will consist of entries in U13 and U15 sides with 2 teams at each age category. The curriculum pathway will focus on rounder’s prior to the start of the league to prepare and get teams ready, allowing for squads to play alongside one another and to develop all ability levels.