24 June, 2024

INSIGHTS: What to say—and not say—when exam results roll in

INSIGHTS: What to say—and not say—when exam results roll in - INSIGHTS What to say and not say when exam results roll in

With results season just around the corner - at least for our Year 13s who will get their IB grades on 6th July - the Nord Anglia INSIGHTS team have created a powerful piece which I’d encourage every parent, regardless of the age their child, to read.

All of us have been through the stress of exams at some point in our lives, although the memories of how stressed we all were at that point may have faded somewhat by now.  I can’t emphasise enough how important it is to always reassure our children and take the time to give considered and meaningful support, whatever the outcome.  As NAIS Abu Dhabi Principal, Liam Cullinan, states within the article, “Children have little shoulders” and we mustn’t forget that.  

INSIGHTS: What to say—and not say—when exam results roll in - INSIGHTS What to say and not say when exam results roll in

Despite the extraordinary academic skills and knowledge that these teenagers have built over their school journey so far, their emotional journeys – especially in terms of processing complex thoughts and feelings – are somewhat in their infancy.  We, as adults with mature social and emotional development skills, should be ready to provide moral support regardless of outcomes.

INSIGHTS: What to say—and not say—when exam results roll in - INSIGHTS What to say and not say when exam results roll in

I’m confident in our Year 13s (and our Year 11s who will receive their results on 13th August) – their journeys through education so far have been incredible, with many of them preparing already for their life at a variety of top universities later this year.  Whatever results are released in the coming weeks, everyone at NAIS Pudong will be proud of everything they have achieved.


Hari Raye

Assistant Head Of Secondary (KS4 & IBDP)