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Nord Anglia
02 January, 2022

Top Ten Tips for Moving and Living in Shanghai

Moving to and living in Shanghai doesn't have to be stressful. Read our top ten tips for a smooth move to Shanghai.
Where To Live in Shanghai
Choosing where to live in Shanghai is a big decision, coupled with deciding where your children will go to school. Read advice from our staff and parents here.

Tips for moving and living in Shanghai

Register with the Police

Every foreigner arriving in China must immediately register with the local police. If you are staying in a hotel, they will take care of this for you. Otherwise, simply go to the nearest police station in your neighbourhood, present your passport, along with a photocopy of both your identification and visa pages, and report where you are staying and for how long. Once registered, you receive a form, which is your temporary residence permit. If you move into a housing compound, ask if your landlord will take care of this for foreign tenants. Always re-register whenever you change residence in Shanghai. Late registration usually results in a nominal fine. Failure to register at all could lead to major bureaucratic hassles. As with most things in daily Chinese life, it is now possible to register on your mobile phone using WeChat.


Shanghai is not a grid, and the sporadic maze of alleys, streets, boulevards and freeways is difficult to navigate, even for the city’s seasoned veterans. Morning and evening rush-hour traffic is characterised by dense, aggressive traffic and frequent gridlock. Using map apps on your phone will make life much easier.

Despite the massive size of greater Shanghai, most of the central areas are grouped together and manageable in size. Once inside a neighbourhood, getting around on foot is relatively easy.

Shopping...and Toiletries

On a good day, shopping in Shanghai is a delightful and engaging experience, where one can revel in all of the city’s sensations, discover hidden gems and feel fully immersed in the flow of China’s thriving consumer culture. On a bad day, however, lines and crowds are spirit crushing, bargains are fleeting and it takes far too long to find something simple. Either way, it’s an adventure. And as Shanghai’s consumer infrastructure matures, the good days are becoming far more frequent for expat shoppers. You can find anything in Shanghai!


There are several branches of each of the Chinese domestic banks in almost every district of Shanghai, all of which allow foreigners to open either yuan or US dollar accounts. The most common are Bank of China, ICBC, China Merchant’s Bank, Agricultural Bank of China and China Construction Bank. They all offer debit cards, Internet banking and currency exchange services. Many expats choose banks with an international focus, such as Bank of China and ICBC, which both accept the transfer of money to and from your home country. For credit card services and access to funds back home, it is best to keep an international bank account. Banks are generally open from 9am-5pm Monday to Friday, and Saturday mornings. 

Expect long lines at banks. If you want to spend less than 30 minutes for any visit, take a spot near the door before it opens and make a run for the ticket terminal to collect your number. There will be others – particularly on Mondays when weekend earnings are deposited.  

Mobile Phones

The mobile phone market in Shanghai is thriving. Everybody from ages 8 to 80 has a mobile phone. They buzz, sing and ring constantly wherever you are in the city – a testament to a clear, functioning network and affordable pay-as-you-go calls. Most mobile phones that are supported by GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) work throughout China, and you might find that Chinese SIM cards will work in your phone. However, if you are moving to Shanghai, it is far more affordable to pick up a local plan as soon as you move here. China Mobile, the nation’s biggest telecommunication service provider, as well as China Unicom have extensive 4G coverage and are developing their 5G capacity all the time.

Communities in Shanghai

There are whole communities based in Shanghai, from expat mums to bike riding and photography groups. Whatever your interest is back home, you can be sure that Shanghai will have a group to match.

Food in Shanghai

In a vast country with varying standards of sanitation and enforcement, Shanghai is known throughout China for serving the cleanest food. Most restaurants and supermarkets, especially those that cater to expats, look and feel sanitary. The longer you are in Shanghai, the more adventurous you can be with eating out. Local inspectors increasingly visit popular restaurants to ensure they are up to standard. Nonetheless, you may have minor digestion problems during the first few weeks. This is normally no cause for alarm, as the body has to adjust to foreign bacteria.

Finding Housing

Choose your housing carefully. In a city this big, and this sprawling, where you live will dictate your lifestyle. The best way to get a feel for Shanghai's varied residential worlds before signing a lease is to explore the different neighbourhoods. While you’re at it, give potential daily journeys to work or school a trial run. Collect information and perspectives by speaking to property agents that specialise in expatriate housing while asking colleagues and friends about the advantages and disadvantages of their areas.

Finding appropriate housing in Shanghai can be frustrating, as there are pros and cons to every option. The converted lane house in the former French Concession may be close to the action, but it may also be noisy and prone to running out of hot water. Conversely, the expansive suburban villa may leave you and your family feeling isolated from city life. 

Culture Shock

Culture shock is the inability to understand and react to what’s going on around you.

So what should you do to keep culture shock under control? There are measures you can take to mitigate the negative aspects. 

1) Get to know your immediate locale. You may be in a foreign city, but being familiar with a few neighbourhood restaurants, markets and green areas will at least allow you to feel that you have control over your immediate domain. 

2) Start a journal. This is an invaluable tool. A journal will force you to reflect on your own feelings and consequently get you thinking about ways to control them. It will also be a priceless experience to read it a year later when you’re an old hand in Shanghai. 

3) Sign up for a Chinese class. Knowing even a few phrases right away makes a big difference when speaking to your ayi or the neighborhood shopkeeper. It’s also a good way to meet other expats. 

4) Gain a new perspective. After all, you’re in an entirely new place. Try to be an explorer and see things existentially, learning from a way of life embraced by over 1 billion people. Keep in mind that when Chinese people visit your country, they experience culture shock as well. 

Shanghai Life and Culture Websites 

Interactive expat forum with classifieds, restaurant and bar reviews, events, personals and travel tips.  The classifieds section in this website is relatively well used and can be a useful alternative to purchasing all housing items new upon arrival.  One can expect to find most popular items from Ikea for sale here at a good discount.  This company also offers a discount book at a good value which can be purchased from the site and used for a variety of services in and around Shanghai ranging from golf to shopping, eating and travel.

Articles on cultural events, restaurant and bar reviews, personals and miscellaneous columns.  If you want to get informed about the party and clubbing scene in Shanghai this is the place to go. The demographics of its users are generally younger but this can also be a useful resource for restaurant reviews for those seeking the hip new places to dine.

The London based monthly magazine is produced in Shanghai and available for free from bars and restaurants. Covers everything from family, health, new bars and restaurants to things to do on a rainy day.

Buy (in English) tickets for events, shows and entertainment

Must have apps in Shanghai

Alipay – Online payment platform that will become a way of life very quickly

Air Matters – Advised Air Quality Index

CamCard – Stores, sorts and catalogues all the business cards you collect

Chope – Restaurant booking app for many places around town

Eleme – Food and grocery delivery app

Didi – China’s version of Uber

Explore Shanghai Metro – Use to explore Shanghai by metro, very handy

Ktdict C-E – Chinese-English translation app

Meituan – Food delivery app

Mobike – Scan and use any of the orange Mobike shared bikes around town

Sherpa’s – Meal delivery service with English interface

Smart Shanghai – News, events and a comprehensive directory

Taobao – One-stop shop for anything you could possibly want to buy 

That’s Shanghai – News, events, current affairs and lifestyle app with a comprehensive website and monthly hardcopy magazine

WeChat – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and texting all in one! Musthave for communication with friends and groups

Youku, Sohu and iQIYI – Download these apps and you can find many American and other international shows (often the day after they air in your home country. VPN not required). Might be helpful to have a Chinese speaker help you initially, but you will be amazed what you find. You do need to know a few simple Chinese characters and then you’ll be hooked. US 美剧, England 英国, TV Series 电视剧



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