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News image Prioritising the wellbeing of our students - Personalised learning News
Prioritising the wellbeing of our students

Nord Anglia International School, Pudong has an outstanding reputation for being a caring and supportive community, something that I have seen in full evidence throughout this first half term, with every one of our Primary and Early Years students settling into their new learning environments and routines successfully and happily.

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News image Keeping Your Children Safe at School  - Safeguarding News
Keeping Your Children Safe at School

At Nord Anglia International School, Shanghai Pudong, we are committed to ensuring that the safety and wellbeing of the students in our care is at the forefront of everything we do. This article will be the first in a series that will deal with a variety of safeguarding issues that range from helping your children to be safe online, dealing with conflict, emotional wellbeing and other topics that are time appropriate.

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News image Jessica's ambition to be a doctor - Getting work experience News
Jessica's ambition to be a doctor

As somebody who is planning on entering the medical field and studying medicine once graduate, our IB student Jessica has done a lot of research into how she can do as much as she can, outside of academics, to prepare herself for the extremely demanding field.

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News image Principal's Message | My Philosophy - My Philosophy News
Principal's Message | My Philosophy

I would like to extend a warm welcome to all our students, parents, and families.

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News image Helping your child make friends at school? - Helping your child make friends at school News
Helping your child make friends at school?

As your child begins their education journey in preschool — or even if they’re a bit older in primary or secondary school — creating friendships is vital for their social development along the way.

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News image Dr Kate Erricker, Nord Anglia Assistant Director of Curriculum News
How do children learn best?

As a parent, have you ever wondered how you can better support your child’s learning at school? We sat down with Dr Kate Erricker, Nord Anglia Education’s Assistant Director of Curriculum — who has 21 years of educational experience — to discuss some of the best ways parents can identify their children’s individual strengths and help them develop their skills so they can get even more from learning at school.

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News image 2022-2023 NAIS Pudong Academic Calendar - 2022-2023 Calendar News
2022-2023 NAIS Pudong Academic Calendar

Here are the most important dates for your diary in the upcoming school year.

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News image Why creativity is an essential skill to develop - Why creativity is an essential skill to develop News
Why creativity is an essential skill to develop

One of the questions I often get asked — by students and parents alike — is “what exactly is creativity and why does it matter?”

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News image Results Day 2022: How can I help my child feel less anxious? - Results Day 2022 News
Results Day 2022: How can I help my child feel less anxious?

There’s an abundance of advice around preparing for exams and the toll that it can take on students’ mental health and wellbeing, but what’s discussed less is nerves in the build up to results day.

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News image Greengates School in Mexico joins Nord Anglia Education’s global family of schools - Greengates News
Greengates School in Mexico joins Nord Anglia Education’s global family of schools

Leading premium international schools organisation Nord Anglia Education today announced that Greengates School has become part of its global family of schools. Founded in 1951, Greengates is Nord Anglia’s third school in Mexico and its 78th school worldwide.

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News image NAISMUN VIII Conference | NAIS Pudong - NAISMUN VIII Conference News

The eighth edition of our annual Model United Nations conference (NAISMUN VIII) was a huge success with over 50 delegates from 6 NAE China Region schools and their Directors in attendance. Despite the challenges of hosting a virtual event and the delegates not being able to meet and debate face-to-face, the day proceeded well and the delegates made every minute count.

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News image Cap and Gown | NAIS Pudong Class of 2022 - Cap and Gown News
Cap and Gown | NAIS Pudong Class of 2022

On 8th June, we took the opportunity to hold our traditional Graduation ceremony for our Class of 2022. In my opening address, I shared the uniqueness of their story and spoke a little about not only the adversities they have faced over the past few months but also the resilience and strength of this group of graduates as a cohort.

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News image Nord Anglia University Destinations - Nord Anglia University Destinations News
Nord Anglia University Destinations

From exceptional academic results, to having the creativity, resilience, and confidence to make their mark on the world, at Nord Anglia we make sure every child leaves our schools with everything they need to succeed in whatever they want to do or be in life.

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News image SISAC Sportsperson Award for 2022 to Caroline - SISAC Sportsperson Award for 2022 to Caroline News
SISAC Sportsperson Award for 2022 to Caroline

Today we celebrate our Year 13 athletes at who have represented the Pudong Tigers teams and contributed to the success we have had in many sports for many years. Our students competed on the court in netball, basketball, and volleyball, on the sports field with football and in the pool breaking so many personal bests over the years. Our hope is as these students move to university, they continue to keep sport in their life and try new things, join teams and clubs and have an active lifestyle.

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News image Higher Education - Higher Education News
Higher Education | The amazing university offers

Adding to the successes of our Class of 2021 alumni who are studying around the world at establishments such as Imperial College London, Nanyang Technological University, University of California Irvine, Melbourne University, University of Amsterdam and University College London- there have once more been some amazing university offers for our Year 13 Class of 2022.

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News image Creativity Activity Service at NAIS Pudong - Creativity Activity Service at NAIS Pudong News
Creativity Activity Service at NAIS Pudong

Creativity Activity Service, commonly known as CAS is a Core element of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP).

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News image Character Education - Character Education News | Academic Excellence
Character Education

What struck me when learning about NAIS Pudong, was the emphasis on the development of the whole child and the opportunities and experiences on offer to develop them as young people with confidence, resilience and to enhance their wellbeing. 

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News image Wise up - Wise up News
Wise up!

Take a moment to think of someone that you consider to be wise. Now hold that thought.

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News image The FOBISIA Modern Foreign Language Championship - The FOBISIA Modern Foreign Language Championship News
The FOBISIA Modern Foreign Language Championship

What an amazing outcome for our students in Y5 to Y9 in the Education Perfect FOBISIA LANGUAGE Championship!

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