Nord Anglia Education
NAIS Manila
06 December, 2021

Value of puzzles and games for learning


It would be too obvious to theme this month’s blog from me around Christmas alone. Instead, I am going to use it only slightly as a context for my focus: the value of puzzles and games for learning.

I fondly remember Christmases as a child, around the cleared dinner table, still stuffed from turkey and trimmings, waiting for the latest family board game which had been purchased. We had a festive tradition of adding to our growing collection of puzzles and games each year: Trivial Pursuit, Rummikub, the list grew and grew.

The love for this form of brain exercise has infiltrated my teaching where possible. Murder Mysteries, jigsaw puzzles, crosswords and adapted card or board games provide a fun, engaging and different form of learning practise – a variety in diet is always a healthy thing!

It can encourage different neural pathways and develops problem solving strategies - life skills.

"Playing is exercise for your brain. Playing stimulates brain areas that are responsible for memory formation and complex thought processes for all ages. Engaging in play assists in practicing essential cognitive skills, such as decision making, higher-level strategic thinking, and problem-solving." - Sourced from - Benefits of Playing Board Games


If I do not manage to see or speak to you before the holidays, may I wish all our NAIS Manila family and friends a fantastic Christmas and New Year.

I hope you manage to open the odd board game or three (or puzzles) and leave those digital games for another day. You won’t regret it!

- Mr. Wilde, Deputy Head of Primary