Nord Anglia Education
NAIS Manila
09 November, 2016

Girl Scouts of KSM

Girl Scouts of KSM Juliette Gordon Low, who founded Girl Scouts over 100 years ago, would have been very proud of the enthusiasm at KSM's inaugural Girl Scout meeting held on 9 November.

14 girls and five leaders joined together to kick off a fun afternoon of learning the traditions of scouting including: The Girl Scout Promise and Law, camp songs, kaper duties, The Sign, The Motto ("Be Prepared") and last but not least The Friendship Circleand Squeeze.It was smiles all around as the two troops, Daisy troop 102 (Years 1&2) and combined Brownie/Junior troop 101 (Years 3-6) had their first ever taste of the program's mission to build girls courage, confidence, and character. The girls and leaders are very excited about attending the Manila Girl Scout Council's upcoming events including Girl Scout Camp this month and Father Daughter Dance in December.