Nord Anglia Education
NAIS Manila
11 June, 2021

What are the top benefits of an international education at a Nord Anglia school?

Blog article 7 1
What are the top benefits of an international education at a Nord Anglia school? Top five reasons why an international education with us is a great decision.

We know that when it comes to choosing a school for your child, there are many factors to consider. Between public, private, and international schools, a lot of choices exists, but which school is the right one?


Here we share the top five reasons why an international education with us is a great decision.

1. Our track record for successfully placing students in their university of choice

Our school teaches an internationally recognised curriculum, English National Curriculum (ENC) including IGCSE, A-Levels, and ASDAN. These qualifications have been chosen by our school because they provide a comprehensive and well-rounded curriculum, a competitive edge on any student's university application, and the opportunity to study subjects that set our students up for ambitious degree choices ahead. For exciting future pathways, these qualifications are so important because they are recognised by the top universities around the world. Read more about our curricula here.


2. We offer learning which goes way beyond the classroom

We are part of a family of 73 Nord Anglia schools based in 30 countries around the world. The community each of our students is part of gives them a unique connection with peers who live in countries they may have never visited and cultures different to their own. Through their shared online platform Global Campus, our students learn about each other, celebrate their cultures and work together on projects. Students also benefit from a network of teachers around the world who provide them with unrivalled advice and insight for attending university in the country they teach and live in.


3. Our teachers are passionate about education

To teach at our international school, it is essential to hold a qualification in international teaching. We are proud to have a team of teachers who have been trained at some of the best institutes around the world and, importantly, are truly passionate about their jobs and about setting our students up for success. Visit our Teachers & Staff page to see who teaches your child’s year group.


4. Your child will be exposed to incredible opportunities

We have relationships with some of the world’s leading institutes, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, UNICEF and The Juilliard School. Through our exclusive collaborations with these institutes, our students benefit from one-of-a-kind experiences, like visiting the MIT campus and attending UNICEFs High-Level Political Forum, to contributions from each to their curriculum and extra-curricular opportunities.

Visit our Learning page to find out more about how these opportunities can benefit your child.


5. We guide our students to become true global citizens

One of the main reason parents prioritises an international education is for the global perspective and mindedness it teaches their child. Within our curriculum, extracurricular activities and community service activities, students are taught to think beyond the classroom, understand their role within the wider community, and learn about how they can impact the world. One of the opportunities we offer, for example, is for students to attend an expedition to Tanzania during which they work with the local community to help construct sustainable developments. We pride ourselves on offering truly unique opportunities for our students.

Visit our Expeditions page to find out more.


To start your child's international education journey, you may now schedule an online meeting with our Admissions Team, at your most convenient time and in the comfort of your home. Simply click the link below to find out how.