Nord Anglia Education
NAIS Manila
22 April, 2020

MIT hosts Fire Hose Chat for Nord Anglia Students

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Can you predict when a star is about to die or when it is about to be born?
Year 11
MIT hosts Fire Hose Chat for Nord Anglia Students Nord Anglia Education in collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), hosts a series of online sessions for Nord Anglia students, featuring MIT professors and scientists.

Are you interested in a lecture with an MIT professor? Would you like scientists to answer your questions?


If you answered yes to both, then come and join us for a Fire Hose Chat!


Nord Anglia Education in collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), hosts a series of online learning sessions for Nord Anglia students, featuring MIT professors and scientists.  These sessions support Nord Anglia's ethos and commitment to providing innovative and best quality learning opportunities available for every student.

A "drink from a fire hose" comes from a quote by a former MIT President Jerome Weisner,  "Getting an education from MIT is like getting a drink from a fire hose."

According to Carole Urbano,  Nord Anglia Programme Coordinator, MIT Museum at MIT,  this embodies MIT's playful and intense educational experience. 

"Getting an education from MIT has been likened to taking a drink from a fire hose—the sheer number of opportunities and rigour of our coursework can leave students feeling hosed. "

Quote from MIT Admissions Website


MIT Fire Hose Hack

In this talk, NASA Computer Scientist Dr. Kimberly Arcand talks to Nord Anglia Schools about computer modeling stars and how it helps gain a deeper understanding of astrophysics.

Nord Anglia students sent in questions for Dr. Arcand to answer and NAIS Manila was fortunate to have not one, but two questions answered by Dr. Arcand!

MIT Fire Hose Chat can be found on Global Xtra. The newest addition to Global Campus.

The Global Campus offers learning opportunities that empower, excite, inspire, and challenge Nord Anglia Education students around the world.

If you want to know more about our school and our collaboration with MIT, we are currently offering Virtual Discovery Meetings.

Make an appointment today to speak with our Admissions Team online, discuss with them your child’s learning needs and how we can meet them, and enjoy a multi-media introduction to our teachers, students, and facilities.

Click the link below to book your Virtual Discovery Meeting today!