Nord Anglia Education
NAIS Manila
01 October, 2014

The Film Crew

Film Crew
The Film Crew We kicked off the school year with a bit of intrigue and experiential learning.

A film crew from overseas spent a few days in school. They were making a promotional film for the area and their brief was to capture some footage of The King's School, Manila.The crew filmed in the art room, science lab, IT suite and football pitch. The whole process was an intriguing illustration of hours of detailed planning and team work to garner a portrait of the school over a days learning. Children from different year groups across the school got to see first hand the technical knowledge and precision required from the ever patient members of the crew.In the Art room Year 1 children from Agila class created their dioramas of the Gruffalo under hot lights and large, looming cameras. Year 7 children from Tamaraw 7 were in the science lab using the compound microscope. Year 6 worked in the IT suite on iPads and MacBook Airs.At the end of the day the children were buzzing with recounts of what shots they had been in and talk of the equipment that they had observed being used throughout the day. Many of the staff commented on how many people it takes to make a short movie and what a great opportunity this had been for us all to see at first hand.