Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
13 January, 2022

Virtual Visit from Dr Valentina Giannella

MicrosoftTeamsimage 43
Virtual Visit from Dr Valentina Giannella Our Year 5s had a virtual visit from journalist and author Dr Valentina Giannella to talk about her book We Are All Greta.

Our Year 5s had a virtual visit from journalist and author Dr Valentina Giannella to talk about her book We Are All Greta. She spoke about her passion for Greta Thunberg and how one person can make a difference to the climate crisis.


We have been reading her book in Reading lessons and prepared some questions in advance to ask her virtually about why she is inspired by Greta, how she became a writer and the challenges she faced and overcame when writing the book. They were really interested in hearing about Greta's actions and how she motivated others to make a difference, and the hard work it takes to get a book published!