Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
22 January, 2016

Parent Update - 22 January 2016

Parent Update - 22 January 2016
Parent Update - 22 January 2016 Lots to look forward to including a visit from Mr. Dov Landau (a Holocaust survivor), Global Games Asia 2016, Celebrating Mandarin Day and International Day. Click here to read more.

Dear Parents,

Please remember to click here for the link to our Calendar of Upcoming Events.



A student from the school opposite us was struck by a taxi yesterday morning. Thankfully the injury was not life-threatening, but it was a timely reminder to all our children about road safety outside our school. We have also received some complaints from the local community about cars blocking the road during drop-off time. Please can I remind you that we don’t have an official drop-off area outside the school, so please pay attention to child safety and traffic congestion in the mornings. 


PRIMARY ASSEMBLY – Click here for photos of the Assembly – and here for the video of 4A’s Harry Potter performance.

Our students came into the Hall this morning to a beautiful piano recital by Mary Chan (4E). As Mr Bishop remarked to the whole school, it was doubly impressive as Mary only joined us on Monday! This was followed by a very entertaining Harry Potter Assembly by 4A. The Year 4 corridor of the school has been transformed into Hogwarts and our students couldn’t be more excited about the learning this term.


This week we celebrated achievement in Art. Congratulations to the following Stars of the Week:

Year 1: Jerry Feng, Annabelle Mitchell, Shiloh Wong, Serge Leung, Jules Prin

Year 2: Tristan Wong, Elsie Mackness, Claire Chan, Kristin Knowles, Kaavya Karnavat

Year 3: Naomi Khaira, Hyeonseo Oh, Jessie Dong, Bair Batomunkuev, Yvette Engle

Year 4: Felix Zhang, Luca Brown, Ceren Sener, Ananya Gracias, Cool Zhang

Year 5: Frida Bratsberg, Cedric Lau, Jasmin Coan, Steven Gu

Year 6: Kia Letcher, Jasmine Law, Brendan Wang

Finally, Mr Bishop announced the winners of the InterHouse Football Competition. Caernarfon took victory in all three categories: Key Stage 1 (Years 1 & 2), Key Stage 2 (Years 3 to 6) and Key Stage 3 (Years 7 & 8).



It was a full Secondary assembly today with presentations from a number of our specialist teachers.

Head of Pastoral, Mr. David Boyd began by reminding the students about road safety outside our school and how important it is to use the proper road crossings. Head of Science, Mr. McKinnon spoke to our Years 7 and 8 about personal hygiene, reinforcing how important it is as our young students move through puberty.

Head of English and History, Mr. David Robinson introduced a very important visitor coming to our school, Mr. Dov Landau, a Holocaust survivor who is coming into the school on 2 February. He was keen to invite any Year 7 students interested in learning more about this pivotal period in recent history.

In Secondary, High Commendations in Art go to:

Year 7: Gigi Liu, Kate Wong

Year 8: Sebastian Mak, Kevin Du


GLOBAL GAMES, ASIA - 2–4 March 2016 – Click here

Our Nord Anglia Asia Games has just taken a step up! We’re now the Global Games Asia (GGA), as we have Global Games North America and Global Games Europe later in the year for students in the other Nord Anglia schools. Its doubly exciting now to be part of a truly global school sporting event. 

Mr Pate launched the Global Games Asia this morning which we will be hosting in Hong Kong. The Sports Department has been holding trials and observing our students before making their team selections for the Primary and Secondary teams. Letters are going out today to invite the selected students to be our first Global Games teams. In the meantime, our art, music and drama departments are already planning some pa-zazz for the Opening Ceremony! 



Mr Robinson today spoke to students about the way we learn history. Students suggested that we learn from our teachers, books and the internet. Mr Robinson, however, said that the most important lessons in history are learned from “Primary Sources” - people who have experienced important historical events. 

Our Year 6s have been learning about World War II – a subject that will be revisited in more depth in Year 9 – and we are honoured to be welcoming Mr Dov Landau a Holocaust survivor and the man behind the book and movie, Exodus. His life experiences offer an invaluable insight into a period of history that we, and our students, should never forget. You can learn more about Mr Landau’s life here.


PARENT WORKSHOP – Supporting your child in Maths – 26 January @ 8.30am

Calculation strategies have changed a lot since most of us were at school, so we are running a practical session showing the methods we use in school. Parents can then support their child’s Maths development at home and understand a little more about our Maths curriculum. All parents are welcome but this will be especially useful for parents of Year 3 – 8 children. 

This workshop will be led by Miss Robyn Dowding and will be in Class 4B (Room 3003). RSVP to


CELEBRATING MANDARIN DAY – 4 FEB – Please wear red, gold or your Chinese traditional outfits

Our Chinese team has been having a wonderful time planning a whole-school Celebrating Mandarin Day. We’ll begin the day with a Year 3 Assembly (Year 3 parents are welcome), followed by a traditional Lion Dance. We’ll be encouraging our students to speak Mandarin all day – and our teachers are trying too! Our Secondary students will be transforming the Secondary classrooms into Chinese shops, restaurants and travel agents so that our Primary children can enjoy role-playing games and learn from our Secondary students (our younger ones love learning from the “cool” older students!). 


INTERNATIONAL DAY – 15 April  Please email Ms Khalik if you are interested in getting involved

We can’t believe that its almost time for International Day again! We had such an amazing time last year, and we’re really looking forward to 15 April. Ms Khalik has asked if all interested parents could email her with their name and the country they would like to represent (before 4 February, please). At this stage there is no commitment to get involved, but if you’re a little curious, please send an email. Ms Khalik will then hold a meeting after Chinese New Year for all the interested parents to get the planning started.


LUNCH MENU (February)  - Click here

If you’re having school lunches, please remember to complete the form and get it back to school early next week. 



As part of our continuing efforts to improve safety and security for pupils travelling to and from school on the school buses, we would like to trial cameras on the buses. We have started with Route D and we’l be reviewing its efficacy. The recorded footage will be stored confidentially on our school servers for one week only. If you’d like more details, please contact our Bus Team on



You should have received an email this week inviting you to an (optional) information session about the Residential Trips. As a reminder these are as follows:

Year 3: 1 February — 3 – 3.30pm  (3B classroom)

Year 4: 1 February — 3.45 – 4.30pm (4C classroom)

Year 5: 2 February — 3 – 3.30pm (5C classroom)

Year 6: 2 February — 3.45 – 4.30pm (6A classroom)

Year 7 & 8: 2 February — 4.45 – 5.30pm (Art Room)

Please RSVP to before Friday 29 January. Presentations will be shared after if you’re not able to attend.


Finally, please take a look at our Facebook page if you’re not already folllowing us. There are some fabulous (grizzly) pictures of our Years 7s ad 8s dissecting hearts and eyes during Science and the photos of our Year 5s playing the Mission Impossible theme on brigtly coloured trombones made with cry with laughter (and pride).

Wrap up warm this weekend and we look forward to seeing you back on Monday.